Phesant cross breeding

Have ringneck pheasants for now but want to get into more exotic. If I keep them in the same pen will they cross bread or should I keep them separate
It's best to keep them separated. Yes, they will cross breed with most other pheasants, there are a few they will not cross's best to keep the bloodlines pure. Pure bred pheasants are becoming endangered ...even in the wild.
Another reason is, ring necked pheasants are extremely aggressive during breeding season. They will attack another cock bird and kill it. If it's a draw, then you will probably loose both due to injuries.
A long time ago, I did cross breed for taxidermy purposes....99.9% of the time I got birds that looked like a two year old painted them...looked like mud! :lau
Another point is the more exotic pheasants are way more costly than ring necked pheasants. And most have a more demanding habitat, feeding and spacial requirements.
These are some of my experinces, yours may and probably will differ. Best wishes with your pheasant adventures.

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