Pheasant chat and hatch-a-long!!!

Thanks, the darker of the two males ( more orange than yellow) is from my birds I had for 11 years, until this past May, when a coon got to the pair....I did get a few eggs from them before that happpend.
The lighter of the two males is from Jim Myers lines.

These were their great, great, great grandparents. Finally, after 5 breeding seasons I got 1 male with a deep, rich color that was in his genotype....together they threw the deep color chicks only. Back then it took the males 18 months to get their adult plumage....that's why I say it's hard to believe those are last seasons hatch!...already colored out! :eek:


The freezing weather and/or the torrential rain we have had, has made the crepe myrtles 'bloom' like never before!
Really? Mine have been pouting all year since the snow. I think the temps killed a lot of the tips on the branches as they are growing out further down and covering the damage.
It's been 2 weeks since I last saw Corona! I fear that he has finally succumb to a predator. R.I.P.
Awe. :(
i moved the turkeys and changed the dynamic…….my pheasant started laying again today :ya MrMuddy agreed that i can continue hatching pheasant!:wootSo im currently collecting for hatch!!!!!
Just the 1 lone egg and nothing since. I didn’t want to incubate just 1……soooooo I added it to the eating pile
The boys from April are extremely close to full color. Seriously considering removing them tomorrow along with a couple dozen quail.
i moved the turkeys and changed the dynamic…….my pheasant started laying again today :ya MrMuddy agreed that i can continue hatching pheasant!:wootSo im currently collecting for hatch!!!!!
Awfully late for them to be laying? They probably won't be fertile!...if your male has gone through his molt, then he won't start breeding until next season.
At least that has been my experince.

I have 1 Amherst hen that's still laying an egg every other day but I suspect this will stop in the the next week or so....they are not fertile as the male is on the tail end of his molt...just his tail feathers are still growing.

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