Pet Peeves

When someone uses “sort of” “kind of” as a way of dumbing themselves down in conversation to actually appear more intellectual. There’s a word for it but I can’t remember.
Science has told us that cats can fit through any hole that they can get their heads through.
So why does my cat enter every room with a slightly shut door like she has a warrant?!
Beautiful cat and golden retriever next to her! Is the dog, "the good one"?:D;)
She's the quiet one anyway. Mostly she lays behind the recliner next to me. She does not have behavioral issues. But she does have bonding issues. She's just shy, kind of afraid of people. Except me. I'm her Emotional Support Person, Lol.
If you know a lot about the proper care, health and psychology of dogs, you're a 'good dog owner and maybe you should look into Veterinary School'.
If you know a lot about the proper care, health and psychology of horses, you're a 'good horse owner and maybe you should look into Veterinary School'.
If you know a lot about the proper care, health and psychology of poultry, you're a 'crazy chicken lady' or 'obsessed'.
What's with the double standard? Why does the health and well being of MY birds not have the same value to be even taken seriously?

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