Pet Peeves

Maybe their disability prevents them from controlling the cart they're driving very well. . . And they don't have anyone to help them.
If that is the case, I would think the person could say something, like: excuse me, but I need more space to get by you. Would you mind moving a bit, please, so I don't hit you? running into someone is rude and if it is an accident, the person who hit you owes you an apology. (IMHO)
If that is the case, I would think the person could say something, like: excuse me, but I need more space to get by you. Would you mind moving a bit, please, so I don't hit you? running into someone is rude and if it is an accident, the person who hit you owes you an apology. (IMHO)
100% agree, this is how it should be.
However, people who've had strokes or are in pain may not be able to observe the social niceties. Heck, I've known perfectly healthy people who are unbelievably rude. Being disabled won't improve their personalities. Maybe they're just rude AND disabled. I guess we just need to remember how we'd like to be treated when we're the one in the wheelchair.
It would be easier to assume someone has had a stroke or something that impaired their speech as well as mobility, if the people who can communicate would do so in a polite manner. Then I can assume that it was an accident and you can't apologize. I am sorry but there is no excuse for rudeness. I am sorry you are disabled, but that doesn't excuse rudeness.
I would like to be treated with dignity and respect if I were disabled. But if that is what I want, then I must act with dignity and respect to others.
I guess I not big on double standards.
If that is the case, I would think the person could say something, like: excuse me, but I need more space to get by you. Would you mind moving a bit, please, so I don't hit you? running into someone is rude and if it is an accident, the person who hit you owes you an apology. (IMHO)
100% agree, this is how it should be.
However, people who've had strokes or are in pain may not be able to observe the social niceties. Heck, I've known perfectly healthy people who are unbelievably rude. Being disabled won't improve their personalities. Maybe they're just rude AND disabled. I guess we just need to remember how we'd like to be treated when we're the one in the wheelchair.
A person who has had a stroke cannot drive on their own. Therefore, someone had to take them to the store and that same someone could help them through the store, assuming it's a loved one and not an Uber or something. Either way, all I'm saying is being disabled or old is not an excuse to be rude
My latest pet peeve, with a somewhat backstory:

So, when I was a teen, I had attempted to off myself. That is all of the backstory I will give.

I told every detail to a certain someone who claimed to have bipolar and depression. Several months later, she and I were talking and lo and behold, she told me of a time that she tried to kill herself. And every detail matched the ones I gave word for word.

Like, seriously!? You are trying to cheat the social security people by using my damn stories so they will give you money each month and you do not need to work!? What you are is lazy, and sad because you cannot stay home on your phone all day. You are not depressed. Depression and bipolar cause you such despair and misery and it frigging shows in your daily life. You do not go to bed every night with tears streaming down your face praying to every god that could possibly exist to just give you death. With the level of depression that you claim to feel, I highly doubt that you would have broken down the way you did when you first heard you had cancer (she does not. I was in the room when they gave her the results of her MRI and she does not have it; but a few pieces of garbage had told her that she had it for sure and even gave her a stage number.); instead, you would have felt such a great sense of relief that you are finally getting what you had prayed for: Death. You do not feel as low as you claim. You can and do find joy DAILY in everything so long as you are not working. Your clothes are always immaculate. Your hair is perfectly styled. You take great care of your teeth and you shower daily, sometimes multiple times. When I am low, I cannot even get out of bed. I go a while without changing my clothes. I hack at my hair with a knife just to get rid of the rats nest that gets created when I physically cannot take care of it. I go weeks without being physically capable of brushing my teeth. All of these signs and symptoms show when you are as low as you claim to be. And using my stories while looking immaculate and clean and happy? Psychiatrists can SEE if you are in the mental state that you claim to be in constantly.

And before people say that people react differently: I have seen this person almost daily for the past however many years. These are classic symptoms that someone with these disorders show and they CANNOT HELP BUT SHOW THEM. I have seen this person sad. I have seen them break down and have a few days of just flat out despair. But this person is claiming my symptoms, my stories, and my life, and I know what she is doing with this information, and I am now royally pissed off. 🤬
One more pet peeve that kind of works with my previous one, and is relatively new: When certain people try to claim to have catatonia, but they do not truly know what that entails, so they only copy what they see on TV (ie. hypokinetic catatonia). And as they do not truly have it, they cannot hold up the act for longer than a few moments, and only exhibit the behavior when they know they will be noticed. 😡

Maybe my pet peeve should just be attention-seekers and anyone/everyone that fakes any kind of illness.

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