Pet Peeves

No the insinuation was that the end may be near.
Never had a job where you were given a handbook etc that required your signature and saw anyone refuse to sign and be able to keep the job.
I agree i would not leave a good job over such things. No thinking I'm above companies policies. At least not right from the jump.
Maybe prove myself then see what I can slide. Ya that sounds like a Moony.
They seem to have no interest in handing it to me. The boss scowls when it is mentioned and I wonder if they maybe had to have it because of a threat of a lawsuit. 🤔

But in truth, if they handed it me and said sign it or you are fired, then I would sign it, and start rapid-fire Russian profanities. I know none that are sexual in nature, and those are the kinds of words that have been banned. 🤭
Something killed my Roo. The chickens were tho. But what killed my Roo?
angry family guy GIF

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