Pet Peeves

summers are even more hot and humid
Not bad at all
hot out GIF
People I’m dining with that treat waiters like shite.
That was one thing I looked at when I was dating my then boyfriend, now husband (of going on 35 years). If he had been rude to the wait staff, I wouldn't have kept up the relationship.

You learn a LOT about a person when you see how they treat people in any kind of service postition.
I was never a waitress, but I did work in retail, behind the counter at a store in the mall. I had cusomters I loved to see come in, and bent a few rules to accomdate their needs. And others I did not like to see come in at all.

Especially one VERY rich guy. Mister, I don't care what business you own/run/manage. You do NOT own/run/manage ME!

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