Pet Peeves

Truth to tell, the day Apple's cameras get better then the ones in android phones, I'll probably switch. Thats the major deciding factor for me in a phone. So far it hasn't happened, but the gap narrows every generation.
Apple’s cameras are better though…. Especially in the video department….

Samsung did just release a new phone, which does indeed have a slightly better camera. And I mean slightly. Samsung uses software to brighten up the photos, so they look better, even though they might not be the actual shade of colors in real life. Apple still has the better video though.

Then again, apple’s current flagship phone is half a year old… so when they release a new one, the cameras are almost definitely going to be better again.
I'm going to touch on a couple of things here to illustrate a point.

FaceID Is an Apple Product, but it isn't an Apple invention. It's an adapted version of primsesnse's tech that was used in XBox Kinect units, which itself was multiple generations of iteration on the theme from code developed for biometric scanners in the 90's (think fingerprint readers). Apple didn't invent it. they bought Primesense to get the tech and IP. Apple then ported and miniaturized that tech to rebrand it as FaceID. That's not innovative. That's "business as usual".


Same with wireless charging. Go look at who Apple licenses the Qi patents from if you want to see who's REALLY working on improving the tech. It's not Apple. (It's Phillips) APPL was late to the game on it not because they were improving it, but because Phillips wouldn't cut them a deal on licensing the tech.

Apple sells it's brand as much as it sells it tech. "Apple" is synonymous with "hip, trendy, cool" and large portions of their consumer base (not all but a major majority) are buying it for the brand. Like Nike, lululemon, car brands, etc... APPL gets away with all of the other things they do because the masses HAVE to own the newest coolest ithingy. Look at the current Apple Watch sensor suits that just got apple spanked for violating 2 separate patents. APPL didn't care that they were stealing it, because they figured they had enough money to fend off the lawsuits

Again, "Business as usual" they don't care, because they have money. YOUR money. :p
Yep, I know. Apple’s always taken other’s ideas, or buying the companies to use their tech, such as when apple bought Beats in order to improve their AirPods. However, apple has invented many things as well, and literally every phone and has copied it, or is trying to. So…. If anything, it’s android who’s the worst copy-cat.

I don’t think apple is synonymous with “cool and hip/trendy”. It’s synonymous with “Elegance and simplicity, and perfection”.
We have iphones, ipads, and macbooks in the house because the girls like them better. To each their own. I have no problem with you being an Apple enthusiast. There is plenty of room in the market for both.

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