Pet Peeves

People who don't know how to read a room and are petty enough to brag about their lifestyle. Square footage of home...constant trips to exotic places...what they spent on this or that. How never to be seen in;Walmart,Swap meets and garage sales.
Oh but yeah maybe "Estate"sales.😂😂😂😂💯
I love going to estate sales. Legit ones where someone old has died and the kids need to clean out the house to sell it. You can find some really cool stuff for cheap. We found an old stagecoach trunk one time and an antique dealer verified that it went on the Oregon Trail. He could tell from the markings or something on it. That was the only thing I ever regretted selling on Ebay
I love going to estate sales. Legit ones where someone old has died and the kids need to clean out the house to sell it. You can find some really cool stuff for cheap. We found an old stagecoach trunk one time and an antique dealer verified that it went on the Oregon Trail. He could tell from the markings or something on it. That was the only thing I ever regretted selling on Ebay
i got my pool table from an estate sale. you can find some great stuff at them.
Why I oughta

Kung Fu Fighting GIF by Music Choice
i got my pool table from an estate sale. you can find some great stuff at them.
We got our pool table from my husband's one boss who was moving and told my husband if he took it apart, he could have it. So husband and son took it apart and brought it home. Put it back together, replaced the felt and viola, perfectly good pool table

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