Pet Peeves

Yikes sums it up..its odd my hubby has a low voice too but he is also 6'5. My hubby is the only one in my family he does this with unless it's a stranger. He adores my mom..he does the excited whine thing when he sees her and my mother has him sleep with her when she is over. She actually bought him a toy for Christmas and put it in a christmas bag..she calls him her grand dog. He isn't a big dog only 40 pounds. But I feel safe when I'm alone. I know if someone tried to hurt me, they'd be in for a big surprise..
If you don't fix this, he's going to hurt your husband. You need a professional trainer, QUICK. You can pm me if you like and I will explain why this is a danger.
When someone watches over my chickens for a few days if I were out of town then says that they now partly own them, yes… this has happened to me. :tongue:mad:
Good. Send a bill for the feed and coop improvements. After all your providing land, chickens and 99% of the labor. Or do they want to write a check to cover YOUR investment?
Good. Send a bill for the feed and coop improvements. After all your providing land, chickens and 99% of the labor. Or do they want to write a check to cover YOUR investment?
I agree. Or charge for their half of the monthly feed bill. Good grief.
Easter Eggers that lay white eggs. :rolleyes:

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