Pet Peeves

Drivers on their cell phones!
Hands free or hang up! :he

:old Yes, I know this is being repetitive
I saw something very ODD the other day, so the driver's hands were free...BUT

This car in front of me had these TV screens mounted onto their sun visors, and very harshly lit, bouncy cartoons were playing. Also, the volume was so loud I could hear it sitting behind them at the red-light, with my windows closed.

It was very distracting & I wasn't even in the vehicle with them!

So the kids in the back seat were hanging onto the seats in front, pulling themselves up towards the front, so they could watch the little TVs....obviously not wearing seatbelts.

The "adults" (or should I say "overgrown kids") sitting in the front seats kept turning around yelling, I guess telling the kids to stop jostling & clutching at their seats. It looked & sounded like complete pandemonium in that car.

Yet there it went, down the road, cartoons blaring & kids clawing at seats, practically rolling around, when the light turned green.
It was like a disturbing circus on wheels.

No seat belts were being worn...What the hell?!
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I saw something very ODD the other day, so the driver's hands were free...BUT

This car in front of me had these TV screens mounted onto their sun visors, and very harshly lit, bouncy cartoons were playing. Also, the volume was so loud I could hear it sitting behind them at the red-light, with my windows closed.

It was very distracting & I wasn't even in the vehicle with them!

So the kids in the back seat were hanging onto the seats in front, pulling themselves up towards the front, so they could watch the little TVs....obviously not wearing seatbelts.

The "adults" (or should I say "overgrown kids") sitting in the front seats kept turning around yelling, I guess telling the kids to stop jostling & clutching at their seats. It looked & sounded like complete pandemonium in that car.

Yet there it went, down the road, cartoons blaring & kids clawing at seats, practically rolling around, when the light turned green.
It was like a disturbing circus on wheels.

No seat belts were being worn...What the hell?!
Just wait until they finish and the seat backs have monitors in them for the rear passengers. hater vision.

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