Pet Peeves

I hate it when people can't spell. They should be educated! And use the wrong form of a word, think too, to, and two.
Have to admit, I find it annoying these days, because auto correct exists. But back in the day, before computers & if a dictionary wasn't handy at that moment, I had compassion for those folks who spelled phonetically, & not properly, because I noticed although their spelling was lacking, they were always quite brilliant when it came to math, science, art, creativity or common sense. My dad was that type, excellent at construction, modifying blue prints (he could envision it already done in his head) to accommodate customer's last minute changes, his ability to fix absolutely Anything, he even wrote & produced a play that won our state youth competition for the 1st time ever in 1974...yet he couldn't spell worth a darn. Somehow, even when I was just 3 yrs old, I translated & figured out what he was trying to write & by the time I was 6, I could rewrite it correctly for him. Sometimes it just takes a little kid to figure things out. 😆
People that are so argumentative! They have to add something snappy to everything that's posted, just to argue. Makes me want to smack them! And makes them look like a jerk
Arguments & argumentative foks in general...I mean life's too short to squabble about every little thing. First thing in the freaking morning, I really don't want to hear a bunch of crap. "Hey Dude, stop running your mouth, take a deep breath & chill, try to find 1 Single Thing to be grateful about & focus on it for a few minutes" you are able to see sunrise today & can get out of bed without assistance & get dressed? Yup, surely a better way to start the day, an attitude of gratitude, instead of trying to stress everyone out. If I want stress, all I gotta do is check out the news. Nope, Don't need negativity following me around arguing in my ear!
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Insects make my top peeve again today...those darn biting flies 🪰 that wait til you're busy carrying something, then somehow get up into your short sleeved shirt & bite the crap out of your arm pit & surrounding skin region. Ouch! And you can't just stop & drop what you're carrying to swat at that pesky, blood sucking parasite. Welts that itch for a week anyone? 😠
Cortisone cream...just dunk me in a barrel & keep that barrel handy til December! 😆
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Job seekers who don't read the job ad.

*The city location is listed. If you don't want to relocate, why did you apply?
*The mandatory requirements are listed. No they aren't negotiable. If you refuse to do xyz, why did apply?
*The pay rate is listed. If that is not even close to your expected pay rate, why did you apply?

Well, sometimes businesses/employers are flexible. Yesterday went in for an interview and got hired the same day. Im over qualified and the boss is giving me a higher starting wage.
Movies adapted from books that don’t properly follow the book nor cast accurately :th
YES! Books are usually always better. There are a few that the movies are bit better.
I hate it when people can't spell. They should be educated! And use the wrong form of a word, think too, to, and two.
Hey, we all make mistakes. For me, it is usually when I am tired.
Hey, we all make mistakes. For me, it is usually when I am tired.
I've actually had the talk to text mess up my words!!! I have to proof read talk to text, some real doozies almost got sent out. Usually it's just spelling though, especially, There, Their & They're...sometimes I fix it then hit send, and see the bugger sent the wrong word anyway!!! How does that even happen?! The invisible ghost in the machine? Modern technology indeed! 😆
Have to admit, I find it annoying these days, because auto correct exists.

Except autocorrect sucks big rotten eggs. I have excellent knowledge of spelling and grammar. You wouldn't know it sometimes thanks to autocorrect.
Well, sometimes businesses/employers are flexible. Yesterday went in for an interview and got hired the same day. Im over qualified and the boss is giving me a higher starting wage.
Congrats!! That's great.
And yes, sometimes businesses are flexible. If the wage is stated $16/hr or $15-20/hr for example, there's probably room for flexibility. The the wage is stated at $15.37/hr, there probably isn't.
Talk to text blunders & mishaps.

1st time I used talk to text, taught me a lesson. Always proof read before you hit send.

A super nice guy was instructor for our motorcycle classes. He was always a large man, not obese, just large frame & healthy appetite type. Anyway, his last name is Lucas. I was answering his text, after our classes were done, he kept in touch with students. Often, several of us would plan a ride, get together & ride on open road to get experience, it's great to ride among a caring group, not trying to do 90mph, out-do eachother or show off. He texted me asking if I'm riding yet & I relied, using talk to text, "I've ridden locally, up to 40mph, but want to ride on the main roads with other riders. I just got a fairing installed for wind but summer bugs got it nasty."

(That part of my text went through fine.)

Then I said..."I'm doing ok, but I gotta watch out for fat locusts." to text decided I said..."I'm doing ok, but gotta watch out for FAT LUCAS."

Remember, this guy's last name is LUCAS & He is a rather large man.

😲 OMG I was Mortified!!! Luckily, he has a wonderful sense of humor 😄.

Yes, I proof read now!
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