Pet Peeves

Feeling extra peevey today.

People who ask a question but won't accept any answer other than the one they want to hear.

And people who list things foe sale and then never get back to you when you enquire about the item.

People in general.
And when you've got something for sale, make an appointment to meet, when you've rearranged your work schedule to do so, and they don't show up, not even a courteous phone call to let you know, even after you called them to confirm the night before! 😠
3 different jackasses, 3 different times lost work hours. I ended up giving the item to friends. Just isn't worth the aggravation.
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Rude people at the movie theater.

Yesterday hubby and I went to the local theater and we have to actually pick our seats with the ticket person. No big deal (but stupid at the same time, tickets are all the same price no matter were you sit), yet some of these people don't sit in the seats they pick out. So people coming into the movie asked people to move. Which happened 4 times.. 2 of those times were before the movie started. 3x it was 5 mins in. 4x was 30mins in... This couple was very rude! They brought a flash light and was shinning it over people to find their seats. And was loud enough to ask people what seat number it is. Really?
And when you've got something for sale, make an appointment to meet, when you've rearranged your work schedule to do so, and they don't show up, not even a courteous phone call to let you know, even after you called them to confirm the night before! 😠
3 different jackasses, 3 different times lost work hours. I ended up giving the item to friends. Just isn't worth the aggravation.
Or people who get annoyed when you ask to meet at a public place instead of at your own house.

Look, dude. You're interested in a (whatever I have up for sale). No, I'm not inviting you over for tea so you can scope out my place. If the safe zone at QT or the local police station safe zone isn't good enough, you're free to shop elsewhere. Your loss.

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