Pet Peeves

Reported. Interestingly one of their other thread has already been locked for review.
I think I'll go watch my peacock make a fool of himself in front of his ladies. Maybe a glass of wine would help too.
Can't be in a foul mood when in a fowl mood, I recommend what I always do...go hang out with the flock, it's the Best! ❤️ 🐔 🐥 🦚 🕊

Humor, Love & Sweetness all wrapped up in strutting, crowing, fluffy butt Feathers!
Gotta love our birds! ❤️
Something that really drives me bonkers...uneducated, unqualified, misinformed, overreaching, and just plain rude peta freaks telling people how to keep animals:rant
Shut your yuppie yap and let the experienced people do the talking🙄
Keep this handy for peta:

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