Pet Peeves

I don't drip, if that's what you're insinuating.
I don't really sweat that much, so when I do, it bothers me.
Stupid shirts that show vividly that you are perspiring a bit under the arm pit...yeah, I recall in the 80s, the silk blouse fad, definitely NOT something a young gal wants to wear for a job interview 🙄
Pet peeves/vent: don't sit there and tell me all the things I'm doing wrong. It isn't constructive at that point, it really is just tearing me down. And really, I already know what I'm doing wrong, it gives me constant anxiety to the point the Dr just prescribed Prozac. Is my house spotless? No... Is my kitchen cluttered? Yes, do I have dishes piled in the sink? No, so I have toys all over the floor? No. So I have things everywhere? No. Like yes it's a bit untidy but many people would just call it lived in, not messy. I know it isn't where I want it to be and is a little out of hand right now, but damn. And apparently I shouldn't have gotten chickens before the coop was built and that was just crazy irresponsible for me and so. Much. More. You know I should make my kids? Idk I should get them busy on something instead of just letting them entertain themselves while I work on the coop, and I should force my daughter to come out and help because she was in watching TV, and I should take time off of work to work on everything but work is super busy/overwhelming right now so taking time off isn't going to make that better. And and and. I'm over it right now. Sorry to dump on internet strangers, I've just had my limit.
We can all relate, trust me. No worries.

Just gotta remind some people...Hey, I'm only human. I'm not Super Man or Super Woman. And my purpose in life is NOT to live up to your standards! Which by the way...aren't so perfect either.

I always tell the person I'm hearing're saying I need your expertise & help? Come on then, there's a long to do list, let's utilize your perfectionism for something productive & tangible, instead just a bunch of hot air. 😆 They'll either pitch in or shut up & run for the hills.
Pet peeve...clutter. Someone I'm fond of likes to leave his knife and gun on every available surface..and what's with the whole.. wallet, keys and change in the baseball cap thing...Going nuts here 😳 sweaty hat..not clean..bleach..bleach..bleach!
Hats...I had to install a triple hook thingy on the wall. Hang your hats baby! Get em off the table.
So those of us from Ontario are still welcome to visit I hope?

The main road through nearby town used to be the highway on the edge of town. Now with so many new houses of both sides it has become the main road. It has shopping malls springing up both sides. Local council decided to redevelop the road and have put in traffic circles at every intersection. I cringe watching the big tractor trailers having to maneuver through.
Exactly! I always said every Driver's Ed class Should include driving a big rig & a truck towing a trailer, even mopeds to get the feeling of what it's like not having the protective cab, so Everyone can realize what's involved with driving, maneuvering, parking & stopping larger vehicles, heavier loads & defensive driving practices. Once a person experiences that, the light bulb in the brain clicks & a new-found respect & hopefully compassion develops. I believe there would be less subcompact cars zipping around & stopping suddenly in front of big rigs, & these idiot road designers would realize, ya gotta have some additional room for larger loads.
Exactly! I always said every Driver's Ed class Should include driving a big rig & a truck towing a trailer, even mopeds to get the feeling of what it's like not having the protective cab,
Classes should also include driving a standard - learn to shift gears. I realize that most people may never want to own a standard vehicle but it is a good idea, IMO, to know how to drive a standard in case of an emergency.
Double standards with regards to body hair. Why do I gotta go through the hassle/pain/expense of getting rid of all mine while my male counterparts don't.
You really want to walk around with hairy legs and pits? No thanks

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