Pet Peeves

Have you known me to use slang?
Yes, I said that with a straight face. :lau
Season 4 Reaction GIF by grown-ish
Is it a private school? We had spankings at a private school when I was a kid, but I've never heard of it in public school.

I know schools are feeling pretty powerless. I mean a suspension (if you hate school) is kind of a reward, especially if the parents don't back up the school.

But I don't think I'd be ok with anyone but me swatting my kids.
Public school.
WHAT!? there is schools that give spankings!? There is several kids that I went to school with and friends with kids now that could use a good swat. Yet, I understand.. it's better coming from the parent/guardian than a staff member from school.
What's aggravating is that you feel like you could get in trouble for giving your own kid swats in some situations/ places. When they were still in state custody, for the first year we had them, we were not allowed to lay a finger on them, nor even to restrain them like by wrapping them in a body hug on our lap if they were having a thrashing melt down. Was so happy to get guardianship, then we could actually PARENT them.
Pet peeves/vent: don't sit there and tell me all the things I'm doing wrong. It isn't constructive at that point, it really is just tearing me down. And really, I already know what I'm doing wrong, it gives me constant anxiety to the point the Dr just prescribed Prozac. Is my house spotless? No... Is my kitchen cluttered? Yes, do I have dishes piled in the sink? No, so I have toys all over the floor? No. So I have things everywhere? No. Like yes it's a bit untidy but many people would just call it lived in, not messy. I know it isn't where I want it to be and is a little out of hand right now, but damn. And apparently I shouldn't have gotten chickens before the coop was built and that was just crazy irresponsible for me and so. Much. More. You know I should make my kids? Idk I should get them busy on something instead of just letting them entertain themselves while I work on the coop, and I should force my daughter to come out and help because she was in watching TV, and I should take time off of work to work on everything but work is super busy/overwhelming right now so taking time off isn't going to make that better. And and and. I'm over it right now. Sorry to dump on internet strangers, I've just had my limit.
I know it sound awful, but he actually isn't. He does dumb stuff, but not maliciously.

1st time he took a soccer ball to the face 2 days in a row, and on the second day retaliated by punching a kid.

2nd time he got into an argument with a substitute teach a out throwing a pen into the garbage. And because he's too smart for his own good, he doesn't know when to stop and the argument just kept escalating and escalating all the way up to the VP.

3rd time a kid was really pestering him and squirted him with a water bottle, so again retaliated by punching the kid.

I can't really even blame him for 1 and 3. But gees Louise! And yes, a suspension is just a holiday for him. 🙄
I think a child should be able to defend themselves. If the teacher is going to stand by and let my kid get bullied, he/she has the right to put a stop to it. Not all teachers are caring and into teaching. Look at the public school system in the greater New Orleans area. You better have private school money in order to get a public school education. If some one tells you the public schools in a nearby parish (county) are really good, I can tell you I know from the people who moved there to buy a bigger house because they wouldn't have to pay tuition. Were not so happy when it came to taking ACT/SAT and being excepted into a college of some nature.
That's one of my pet peeves--------lack of decent education. And no body puts a hand on my child, except me!
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Pet peeve...clutter. Someone I'm fond of likes to leave his knife and gun on every available surface..and what's with the whole.. wallet, keys and change in the baseball cap thing...Going nuts here 😳 sweaty hat..not clean..bleach..bleach..bleach!
Needs own special table & space for that stuff. Create a designated space to put it...might have to move it to that space a few times at 1st if you find it not being utilized, but eventually that person gets used to it & likes knowing where stuff is. I got one of those triple tray things, meant for dipping sauces, it now is a spare change, wallet, key & phone caddie with a charging plug for the phone. Try it!

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