Pet Peeves

Well I'm pretty far south and around here only the teenage girls wear that odd outfit.
They usually wear socks and sandals too. I've done that one a couple time tho🙈
Not sure it is only a southern thing. I worked in the southern hu desert of California. When i got to work some mornings there would be icicles hanging from the eaves. Shorts hoodie and a jacket to start, but by lunch break i would be in shorts and tank top.
You can get nail varnish that tastes discusting designed to stop nail biting. Don't ask me how I know that🤣
I have never bit my nails except to tear off a broken piece that will not go back into a glove or something. I have however been known to use my teeth to clean the grease, dirt, compost, manure, and chicken poop out from under my nails.
I have a certain way I like the dishes in the cupboard. Matching glasses go in the same area in a line - the same with matching bowls they go in the same stack, plates, etc. I can't stand it when the glasses are in the wrong line or the bowls are stacked altogether and not separated by color even if the color is a faint line around the edge of the bowl. :gig
It's just me and the hubby here. Guess who doesn't put the dishes away properly? The same person that leaves used tissues in his pants pockets. 😆
I married your husband's female dopple

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