Pet Peeves

I'm a pretty laid back person in general and I'm not in a hurry when I shop. I don't clog up aisles and leave my cart in bad places but I take my time.
People that are all rush rush rush stress me out.
Now I am guilty of cart leaving if the aisle is full and I want to grab and I grab and maybe back out of the aisle..I go bulk shopping with hubby.😳 We get so much crap you have to have two people to do it..we go for several's an all day event..we are slightly grumpy..he is for sure🤣
IMO there are two choices
1. Chill and go with the flow. Ask people who have been here a long time who (for example) a good electrician is. Electrician calls back as says they'll drop in and take a look. That might be in an hour, a day, or next week. I just ask them to call before so I'm sure to be home. Job verbally quoted and agreed or not. There has always been some kind of paper bill at the end.
2. There is so much construction and renos going on here that the bigger firms are saying, "you want to reno you bathroom. Sure. We're booking for January 2023". This has provided a great opportunity for younger trades people to set up shop. They are likely to use detailed quotes and contracts. Do quality work, build your reputation, job for life.

People moving here need to adapt to rural life. Sitting in a coffee shop, I laughed at the steady stream of people pulling into Walmart on Easter Sunday. Nope closed just like all the other stores in town.
Mechanical keeb?
I love mechanical keyboards. But no. It's just a normal crappy Dell keyboard. It's just absurdly loud. The girls always Teams message me to ask if I'm okay because they can tell by the force of my keystrokes whether or not I'm irritated. Apparently, I drum my fingers on the desk, followed by a long sigh, complete silence, and then angry typing.
Bahahaha..I agree..I could bulldoze over people and sprint through the grocery store if legal🤣 I loathe grocery shopping.
This is why I just do the Walmart pick up thing. It's sooooo much easier.
I actually like grocery shopping. The key in my area is to go very early. Like 7-8am. There’s usually only about 6 people shopping and they are all usually polite elderly people who keep to themselves and don’t block aisles. The staff are usually still in a good mood with lot’s of them just hanging around usually talking and drinking coffee.
In the same Walmart at about 1pm you usually find angry tired staff. People blocking all the aisles chatting and lot’s of elderly people that will either run you over with their carts or cars. I’ve been hit with so many carts it’s ridiculous.

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