Pet Peeves

Pet Peeve: The AC in the office has just turned off, which is horribly frightening when you live in the South. But, I am typing normally and it sounds like I am over here like
river dance upstairs neighbors GIF

So loud!
Un-peeve? I love me some Celtic Woman too. I took my mom to see them for Mother's Day a few years ago.
Celtic Woman is amazing. I haven't listened to them very much in the last couple years because it makes me too emotional. My grandfather really enjoyed their music and we would watch specials with him. He passed a few years ago.
My voice sounds deeper on video. Don't know why
You have a sexy, whiskey voice, like Demi Moore?
I have a deeper voice anyways. Not like man deep but deeper than normal for a woman. It helps when I have to yell, makes me sound meaner🤣
Brooks won't like it mean.
Not me. I love to hear myself talk.
We know.
Boiled is best, pickled is second best, really I have never had bad okra.
I have a brother that gags when boiled okra is mentioned, he strange!
You've got that backward. Boiled is the worst! :)
Celtic Woman is amazing. I haven't listened to them very much in the last couple years because it makes me too emotional. My grandfather really enjoyed their music and we would watch specials with him. He passed a few years ago.
:hugs I love them. Even if some of their songs make me emotional. We saw their Homecoming Tour.

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