Pet Peeves

I don't know...maybe I have ADD, but I kinda like random ramblings & how the conversions evolve. Plus, there's a lot of humor here. I love laughing. Look how we just talked about toilet paper dispensers, bacon, groundhog holes, pig poop & stalkers! Gotta laugh! 😆 🤣 😂
I don’t mind random ramblings in the random ramblings threads…lol.

But when someone posts for advice and then people start sharing their life’s story…well, that gets annoying.

Ramble on in this thread, please!
This is accurate. It mildly bothers me when it's the other way.
I reckon it's all in my head.

So says the person with no children.
Having considered that, this is still the right way!
The plant i work in has a large percentage of latin, hatian, and burmese folks. They sometimes bring in fish dishes to warm up in the microwave, woa, what an aroma, makes you not want any fish for some time after that....just sayin...
The person next to me in the break room was eating canned tuna on Tuesday:sick
I wouldn't even look at a plan after that.:oops:
Me either!
Smelling a perfume can make you go into anaphylaxis? Or is it just the peppers? Certain smells trigger migraines in me, vanilla(the fake stuff, not the vanilla extract used in baking) is the biggest culprit
I have issues with these kinds of things. The last time I went soap smelling in Whole Foods my eyes swelled up and I was short breath. Didn’t go into anaphylaxis but it wasn’t fun. Those oil diffuser things are terrifying for me though. I have issues with lavender and citrus among other things and I’ve ended up puking sick within minutes of walking into a house with one of those things running.
The person next to me in the break room was eating canned tuna on Tuesday:sick

Me either!

I have issues with these kinds of things. The last time I went soap smelling in Whole Foods my eyes swelled up and I was short breath. Didn’t go into anaphylaxis but it wasn’t fun. Those oil diffuser things are terrifying for me though. I have issues with lavender and citrus among other things and I’ve ended up puking sick within minutes of walking into a house with one of those things running.
Remember when the plugged in hot potpourrie was trending in the 90s?
Ugh, instant migraine, sore throat, clogged sinuses, swollen eyes with nasty eye gooey crap for a week straight. Nasty!
How about coming home from work,
looking forward to my
fav time of day
"peaceful time with my flock"
Only to see total strangers
Meandering in my backyard,
Because they wanted to see
Who was crowing?
Ugh! Trespassing down a
Private Drive & proceeding
to trespass in someone's yard,
Clearly marked with signs.
Oh & on their way out,
They then go on to
Trespass on my neighbor's
Property to pet her horses.
Some even fed her horses!
I'm talking about stuff
Horses should never eat!
Morons! Self centered, idiotic, morons!
I hope they got
Stinky Manure stuck in
The treads of their shoes! 💩
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I have issues with these kinds of things. The last time I went soap smelling in Whole Foods my eyes swelled up and I was short breath. Didn’t go into anaphylaxis but it wasn’t fun. Those oil diffuser things are terrifying for me though. I have issues with lavender and citrus among other things and I’ve ended up puking sick within minutes of walking into a house with one of those things running.
I was in a 'Department Store' the other day and you almost Have to walk through the perfume asiles. I'm not allergic but I just don't like it.
I remember decades ago when the girls would 'ambush' you and spray you with perfume as you walked by! They stopped doing that suddenly!
(I wonder how many of those pretty young things had to use their foundations to cover black eyes?)

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