Pet Peeves

Are we still doing peeves? I've got one for you. Bad enough to be in a public restroom when someone in another stall is carrying on a phone call, right? That's just tacky. But the other day as I was standing against the wall waiting my turn, a person came out of a stall, not just talking on the phone, she was on Video chat. And she set her phone down on the sink to wash her hands in an upright position, facing me. Suddenly I'm staring into the face of a complete stranger, as if I'm the one having this phone call. Yikes! Fortunately I happened to be wearing a mask. And I quickly moved out of line of sight of the camera. But come on, seriously? There's no privacy in a bathroom? Pleeeeze!
Good grief! Some people have no manners. You're liable to get a beat down if you try that in the men's room.
Newest Pet Peeve - wildlife without fear. So I'm walking my dog down our country road when about 50ft in front of us a fox strolls out of the ditch. "Fox" I said, "I'm a human with a dog that weighs at least twice what you do. Run away." Instead it sits down in the middle of the road and stares at us. Why am I the one who has to turn around. :rolleyes:
Newest Pet Peeve - wildlife without fear. So I'm walking my dog down our country road when about 50ft in front of us a fox strolls out of the ditch. "Fox" I said, "I'm a human with a dog that weighs at least twice what you do. Run away." Instead it sits down in the middle of the road and stares at us. Why am I the one who has to turn around. :rolleyes:
It's good to be cautious. Between the middle of January to mid March we found two foxes with severe cases of mange. We euthanized them, contacted animal control and asked what we should do with them? They said to bury deeply enough that the carrion eaters can't get to them. They said there is an over abundance of raccoon in the area, that's part of the reason mange continues to be a problem here. Low immune system might also be a factor.
Newest Pet Peeve - wildlife without fear. So I'm walking my dog down our country road when about 50ft in front of us a fox strolls out of the ditch. "Fox" I said, "I'm a human with a dog that weighs at least twice what you do. Run away." Instead it sits down in the middle of the road and stares at us. Why am I the one who has to turn around. :rolleyes:
You didn't have really have to turn around. Fox are like that, but if you would have kept going it would have went on its way.

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