Pet Peeves

The cars drive me nuts too. The people who actually spend the money to put speakers in the trunk facing out so they can force their horrendous "music" taste on everyone else. They always seem to turn up in slow moving traffic.šŸ˜”
Oml I hate when people blast car music at lights. When their driving who cares, but at a light shut it off! I use my AirPods and blast it since I always have my windows open I like music instead of wind noise
The people who actually spend the money to put speakers in the trunk facing out so they can force their horrendous "music" taste on everyone else. They always seem to turn up in slow moving traffic.šŸ˜”
The passive-aggressive side of me makes me open whatever window is beside them and turn up my radio - opera. soft rock, jazz stations work well. Then I stare straight ahead with a smile on my face so I can pretend I don't see them giving me the finger.
I am guilty of loud bumping music but not disrespectful all out in the middle of everybody that I sure would not want to hear it. Poor neighbors
Oh yea I definitely do a lot but mostly on the freeway when Iā€™m going to work. My neighbors are boys (you knkw whatā€™s happening there) with loud cars and louder music, 4am and the whole neighborhooods awake. He says it purrs like a kitten but it sounds like a Cat being strangled
Are we living the same life? My husband snores loudly but luckily there is such a thing called ear plugs! My dog, much as I love her always has to sleep with us. What I mean by "us" is her sleeping longways spooning me.
Your so funny..he wears nose strips but egad..over time those things add up. I wish I could do the ear plug thing..I hate having them in my ears though. I told my sound like a freight train full of children's clicker clacker toysšŸ˜³
Dude's just digging himself in deeper. I think he needs about one more foot of line before I set the hook and escalate it to his director, who's an old coworker and friend.

Do not taunt happy fun ball.
Had no luck with this guy, he spent a week running me around and didn't solve my problem for me. So I ended up escalating to his boss, very politely reaching out to let him know I was really disappointed in the whole thing (and including the entire email chain in my discussion) and that I hoped they could use it as a teachable moment with their sales org on the impact a negative client interaction could cause. Manager guy responded in the usual "I'm really sorry this happened and we're definitely following up with some feedback for this issue" stuff. I figured that was the end of it until I had to renew next Jan.

This afternoon I got an email from the manager guy, immediately followed by a text from my buddy (who is the manager's boss) letting me know that said account manager is now managing accounts in the unemployment line.

As I said before, Do not taunt happy fun ball.
Your so funny..he wears nose strips but egad..over time those things add up. I wish I could do the ear plug thing..I hate having them in my ears though. I told my sound like a freight train full of children's clicker clacker toysšŸ˜³
A lot of times snoring is an indicator of sleep apnea. Might be worth looking into. The improvement in sleep overall is literally life changing for both of you, and modern CPAP machines are super quiet and unobtrusive. They even have at home test kits now. You sleep with it for 3 days and send it back.

Source: My wife no longer tries to smother me with a pillow when I sleep and I feel way better and more rested now.

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