Pet Peeves

I'm afraid I'll be beheaded if i joke about it but yeh my dad used to have a business selling janitorial products and he went to a place owned by a certain religious group once and they had a problem with toilet seats breaking due to standing🤭. I'm not kidding.
Yes it is a thing.. .. I can confirm
Spelling and grammatical errors in general are rage-inducing. We'd be here for weeks if several of us started listing them all out :)

(also, ironically, I type at about 120 WPM and typo at about 80 WPM. I'm my own worst nightmare more often than not.)
I hate grammar errors!
  • When ppl say "them clothes" instead of "those clothes"! Idk if that's an issue in the US
  • When ppl say (using fake name) "Tony and me" or "me and Tony" instead of "Tony and I"
A few more things that tick me off:

When I turn on the music and someone turns it down just to vent to me.
When someone asks 30,000 questions during the movie.
When someone's kids slaps an adult in the face during Sunday school because they don't get spanked ever.
When someone brings their kid to class hacking up a lung.
When a parent lets their child carry a rabbit at a rabbit show.
When you merge over for road construction and that one #@$@#$@#$ decides to zip right up to the barriers and then jam their way back in to traffic, flipping off whoever they cut off becuse they're too entitled or impatient to merge over. You saw those signs just like the rest of us did, bub. Poor planning on your part is no one else's emergency.
A few more things that tick me off:

When I turn on the music and someone turns it down just to vent to me.
When someone asks 30,000 questions during the movie.
When someone's kids slaps an adult in the face during Sunday school because they don't get spanked ever.
When someone brings their kid to class hacking up a lung.
When a parent lets their child carry a rabbit at a rabbit show.
Yeah, I am that person who asks 30,000 questions during a movie 😬

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