Pet Peeves

Oh...I have another. You put on clean dry socks, walk into the kitchen and WHAM! your socks are wet because someone dripped water on the floor and didn't bother to wipe it up and you stepped in it. Now your feet that were nice and snuggly warm are now cold and soggy. I HATE wet socks.
Oh...I have another. You put on clean dry socks, walk into the kitchen and WHAM! your socks are wet because someone dripped water on the floor and didn't bother to wipe it up and you stepped in it. Now your feet that were nice and snuggly warm are now cold and soggy. I HATE wet socks.
Even numbers 😵 I just can't set anything to an even number.
This is really interesting. As a kid I MUCH preferred even numbers, but I don't know why. Two ice cubes in my iced tea, ALWAYS. When I was 6, I was worried about turning 7, as I would be an odd number for a whole year. I lived through it.
My biggest pet peeve is when someone runs their finger nails across blue jeans. It literally makes my ears HURT to the point of crying. Mom does it simetimes to annoy me. It is not annoying. It is PAINFUL!
Oh, my. I would never have thought that was an annoying noise. But if I knew it annoyed someone, I surely WOULD NOT do it.

Just blue jeans, or other fabric? I wonder why it hurts?

A pet peeve of mine is someone doing something they know someone doesn't like, on purpose, just to bother them.

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