Pet Peeve - "I want ONLY brown eggs"


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
App. Mtn's
Okay - I have a pet peeve. We have free-range chickens - many standard varieties...RIR, maran, Leghorns, EE's, NH, Sex Links, etc... We get brown, white and green eggs. We package them as assortments - all 3 colors in a carton. I get so frustrated when buyers want 'only brown, because they taste better'. You simply can't get people to understand that it's just a shell color!!! ALL chickens eat the SAME things, thus they should taste the same.

My theory - you used to get white eggs only from the store, and brown eggs were only found at farms. Thus, the brown tasted better. People associate egg color with taste - but it's only because the brown that they like were farm eggs and white ones were the yucky store bought ones.

You would think that people would be happy to be getting free-range chicken eggs for 1/2 of what they cost in the store! I think if I have to sort by color...I swear, I'm raising prices! Anyone else but me hear 'I want only brown'??

Rant over.
I understand right now I only have brown eggs except for the 3 blue bantam eggs I get. I would love to have green eggs. I would tell them if you want only brown eggs it 50 cents more.
I am getting the same thing here. My mom even told me I shouldn't have got my Anconas because the eggs will not sell. I dont get it my self, all farm fresh eggs taste better to me. My father-in-law tells me all the time that an egg is an egg. On a brighter note I can always sell blue/green eggs to people in the city, they love the novelty of it. Bless them.
I sort by color- and I charge a dollar more for color sorted eggs.

I charge less for 'natural eggs' (unwashed, unrefrigerated, fertile, less then 3 days old).

You must call to get 'natural eggs' from me otherwise they will be rinsed off and 1/2 get sorted by color the other half don't.

(I have 3 colors too, brown, blue, white)
Also one tip especially around easter, try putting a mixed basket out where people can see it. They see how pretty it is then they buy mixed eggs taste them see they are great too!
The tounge doesnt not taste color.It doesnt have the sensors to taste yellow,red,green and etc.. e.g m&m's. you cannot taste the yellow or green m&m's only the chocolate.If you did taste the yellow it would be the chemical formula yellow 3 or 4 or something,and it would taste gross because its a CHEMICAL.

You can associate colors to flavors,but its not the same.Yellow isnt always lemon,nor green lime,nor black licorice.

To assume the brown eggs taste better because of the shell is absurd and very low farm intellect.

By the way,did they say the white eggs are from the store and the brown from a farm? what the heck? I didnt know there where white egg layers in the back amongst the stock stuff in walmart.Walmart white egg layers huh??

Some people deserve to get beat across the neck and head.

So if the association of color to taste huh?

White = spearmint

Brown = chicken poop?

My prices are 3.00 a doz. I have never had to lower my prices.I know an old timers sales trick err uhh..technique.
Even though I'm from a city, WHY would you assume its 'low farm intellect' that causes this ???

It -seems- like it would be higher in the city-folk because they know not were their food comes.

I know my grandmother would not eat blue food as its 'unnatural' I never knew about blue eggs till here... (blueberries are purple - bluebells (blue) are not to be eaten by humans, nightshade (blue or purple) too).
Even though I'm from a city, WHY would you assume its 'low farm intellect' that causes this ???

It -seems- like it would be higher in the city-folk because they know not were their food comes.

I know my grandmother would not eat blue food as its 'unnatural' I never knew about blue eggs till here... (blueberries are purple - bluebells (blue) are not to be eaten by humans, nightshade (blue or purple) too).

Im sorry, I meant low farm knowledge from city folk. Thanks for the correction.
Even though I'm from a city, WHY would you assume its 'low farm intellect' that causes this ???

It -seems- like it would be higher in the city-folk because they know not were their food comes.

I know my grandmother would not eat blue food as its 'unnatural' I never knew about blue eggs till here... (blueberries are purple - bluebells (blue) are not to be eaten by humans, nightshade (blue or purple) too).

Besides,who would want to eat nightshade/ Thats a poison.I often tempted with the idea of growing some.

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