Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Two days in a row I got all 4 twerps in with minimal fuss. Sunflower seeds to the rescue! And I managed to somehow keep the big girls from scaring them out of the run. Meanies.
Anyone "need" hatching eggs? I don't have many, but hate to waste em. I bought burds from a swap and they ended up getting sick (I put EVERYONE on antibios as a precautionary measure even though I practice biosecurity).

I have bantam cochin and dutch/cochin bantam crosses.

This is T-Bone (Sweetgrass tom), Cleo (Sweetgrass hen) and Thanksgiving and Christmas (who are both either Royal Palm or Royal palm mix). T-bone and Cleo are both a little over a year old and the two guests of honor are right around 4.5 months.

Some beauties for sure! dh has been wanting to raise them, but I have been stalling, too many projects on our plates and I know darned well he will get attached to them!
Wow! Gorgeous.

Some beauties for sure! dh has been wanting to raise them, but I have been stalling, too many projects on our plates and I know darned well he will get attached to them!
I'm hoping next year to have some to help enable others with.
At least that's the current plan for T-Bone and Cleo. Also part of the reason why Thanksgiving and Christmas are both boys as well so they will eventually force my hand if I do get attached to them, because if it comes down to either them or T-Bone, T-Bone wins every time.
Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful offers! Tomorrow, we are seeing a local guy who has a flock of RIW bachelors that are destined for the dinner table. But if things go sideways, I will definitely contact one of you guys. And AnnInTheBurbs, we're not too far away! We're in Monroe county.

If anyone's interested, I can keep you up on the Australorp drama as it unfolds. We take the egg turner out of our incubator in just five days, and then from there, it's Australorpalooza.
Cuteness alert!

One of our pencil hens hatched out a clutch today...
Mindy watching and trying to count them I think!

They don't stay still very long!




I think Mindy is still trying to figure out how to sneak them into the house so she can watch them all the time! LOL

So adorable! They are so cute but so hard to photograph! Mi don't think I have one pic with all 12 in the shot yet. :p

Thank you @dhetzel and @blarneyeggs
For helping me get these cuties.
tolbunt polish


Adorable. I think I have two BCMs after seeing your pic and DHeltzels description. :thumbsup

Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful offers! Tomorrow, we are seeing a local guy who has a flock of RIW bachelors that are destined for the dinner table. But if things go sideways, I will definitely contact one of you guys. And AnnInTheBurbs, we're not too far away! We're in Monroe county. 

If anyone's interested, I can keep you up on the Australorp drama as it unfolds. We take the egg turner out of our incubator in just five days, and then from there, it's Australorpalooza. 

Autralorpalooza! I love it! :lol:
My turkeys are easy lol. I grab their food dish and they follow me to the garage while I fill it up a little and then right into the coop for the night. They chow down then hop up on the roost for the night.

They are extremely tame though (at the very least, my head Tom is) and they follow me everywhere when I'm outside. I even have a hard time getting Adam to get off me so I cam go do other stuff. He likes nothing more than to snuggle up on my lap lol.

Today, on our way home from the bus stop, we saw a wild turkey hen wandering around near the road just around the corner from our house. The kids panicked because they thought Sweet Pea had wandered that far from our house on get own lol. She's part eastern wild (so I've been told) but I didn't realize how much she looked like a wild turkey until today. Of course, I don't have a good picture lol.
I was afraid it would be something easy like that. I can see I've got a lot of work to do.
Hopefully I can get them trained to come to the sound of scratch and "here chick chick chick".
Here are my chickies, all 12 she hatched! :eek:.



In this pic you can see two BCMs standing next to each other. I think. ;)




Here are pics of the Bantam Cochin babies. I think the white one may be a Roo. Any guesses? Mama is a bantam Cochin too, for reference.


I love seeing everyones pictures and reading all the great info.
I don't get on as much as I like and sometimes have a hard time knowing what to say. I am working on being more social and this page is really helping.
Also I have an update on my coop. Little bit more to do here are updated pics. My now wondering how to insulate after reading thru the last 4 pages.


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