Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I guess I should catch her and check out the under feathers to see if there are any saddle feathers coming in to know for sure. They are around 3 months old. I didn't mark it down on my phone when they hatched so I am guesstamating lol
Well I checked the hen in question has some pointy saddle feathers coming in under all his pretty hen feathers on top.

Here's his brother. His saddle feathers are clearly visible with his sickle tail feathers.

The one in question, he wouldn't come close to me. The one on the right.

On a better note, hubby came home with 3 boxes of bruised peaches for the chickens he got for free from an Amish farmer farm stand! They loved the ones I threw to them.
Well coop production has come to a halt. I got a splinter under my finger nail and thought i got it all out but not infected.... urgh. I want to finish the coop.

Yikes! Soak it in hydrogen peroxide! Works wonders for infections.

Well I couldn't catch Pete last night. I had hoped he would have figured out how to get back but I guess not. Have not seen him today and there's some feathers on the other side of the fence. Dang it. I am going to handle the next batch of chicks to prevent this. Lesson learned.

:hugs. Hope he shows up instead.

:hit This morning my Easter egger hen that I hatched out this year cock a doodle dooed in my face this morning. I am heart broken. Was looking forward to another Easter egger hen. "Her" 2 brothers both have pointed saddle feathers and she didn't show any and I was so hopeful that she was a she. Well it looks like 3 more chickens will be going to freezer camp. :hit

That stinks, nothing like having you heart set and no results. :(

Day 20, no peeps yet, my broody us holding tight to her nest....
Yikes! Soak it in hydrogen peroxide! Works wonders for infections.
. Hope he shows up instead.
That stinks, nothing like having you heart set and no results.

Day 20, no peeps yet, my broody us holding tight to her nest....

Yay for broodies. You will have some peeps soon
My broody just hatched out 3 little ones, 2 eggs didn't hatch and one egg went missing. Of course the egg I wanted to hatch went missing, the only silkie egg she was sitting on.
I have a serious, stubborn broody that I just can't break. She's been in the broody breaker for at least 2 weeks. I've tried letting her out a few times and she just makes a beeline straight back to the nest box :/ I don't have room for anymore babies right now!
Yikes! Soak it in hydrogen peroxide! Works wonders for infections.
. Hope he shows up instead.
That stinks, nothing like having you heart set and no results.

Day 20, no peeps yet, my broody us holding tight to her nest....

Yeah had to go to Doctor to cut out the nail. infection was under the nail so far unable to get to it. All better to a point. Back to the coop soon.

Good luck on the hatch cant wait to see pics I love them peeps!!!!
Yay for broodies.  You will have some peeps soon :D My broody just hatched out 3 little ones, 2 eggs didn't hatch and one egg went missing. Of course the egg I wanted to hatch went missing, the only silkie egg she was sitting on.

I hear peeps today! I saw one chick had rolled out from under mama. When I went back later, it was quite cool but still moving. Pooped it back under her and I hope it should come around. This broody won't even leave the nest for babies that have fallen out! Sheesh!

I have a serious, stubborn broody that I just can't break. She's been in the broody breaker for at least 2 weeks. I've tried letting her out a few times and she just makes a beeline straight back to the nest box :/ I don't have room for anymore babies right now!

Hope to have some pics tonight. I'm hear peeps!
Hubs' dad and step-mom got a bunch of chicks this spring and while they love having them, his dad just had back surgery and isn't able to manage chickens right now. They asked us if we wanted to take them but we just don't have the space or the time to build a new coop so we said we would help find them new homes. I need to talk to his step-mom to clarify all of this but I wanted to put some feelers out to see if anyone would want to adopt these birds. They live near Lehighton, but I'm sure they'd want me to pick them up and coordinate transport so they don't have to deal with people, lol. So, you don't need to be local to Lehighton... chicken train will be heading back to Pittsburgh/Beaver County and I can drop anywhere along the way. I believe there are 10-12 rhode island reds and a handful of bantams (mostly roos). I have some pictures from when we came down to visit in July. Hatch date was late April, she first posted pictures of the peeps on April 27.


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