Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Golden Laced Wyandotte, Barred Plymouth Rock, Red Star and an Easter Egger. They are all so sweet, I seem to be losing hours of time just watching them.
He is cute!
Haha! When I was reading this, I thought "pig" meant greedy rooster, I forgot you mentioned you have a pig! How big was he when you got him?
Welcome from Bucks County!

We've only had him about 2 weeks or so but he was something like 85 lbs then. He's very obviously grown and I think that he thinks we're the best thing to ever happen to him. He always has his tail wagging when he sees us and whines from in the shed when he hears us. I don't think the last people did anything with him but feed him. Not that he's a pet to us, obviously, but we don't have a setup for a pig so we have to take him out a few times a day to go to the bathroom (he won't go in the pen). When we have him out, we key him roll in the mud and root around some since that's what pa should do. Lately, he's been throwing his head into our legs and trying to push us around. I know he's trying to play and he wants attention but he's a bit rough and like a tank. He gets much bigger and we won't be able to handle him, let alone manage to get him to a butcher. I told DH the story about him front to jump out the window when he called from work tonight. I guess we're driving to the butcher tomorrow to ask questions and figure things out. I would've liked to wait a little longer until he got a bit bigger but he'll have a hole broken out through the side of the shed or we'll see a real flying pig coming out the shed window if we wait much longer lol
Lehigh County here!

Whereabout in Lehigh County? We are on the opposite end of the state now but are from Lehigh County and still visit frequently since all of our family is still there. We've lived and have family all over from Allentown to Slatington to Lehighton. Hubs and I went to Parkland HS. We hope to relocate back there at some point so I'm curious what the rules are for chickens in the various townships so we know where to look. Hubs and I were just noticing how little farming activity (ie coops, small flocks, other farm animals, heck even clothes hanging on a washline)we saw out there on our last visit compared to here despite Lehigh county being full of farmland and this area is more industrial and mountains. Then it occurred to us that it's all industrial farms in Lehigh vs hobby farms in Beaver.
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Even if the dog catcher won't do anything I think you can still take her to small claims court, especially since you called animal control there should be a report. At least you would recover the value of the chickens killed and hopefully make her wonder keeping her obviously unloved and uncared for dogs under the conditions she is is worth it.

I have tried to get report from Dog catcher he wont give it to me. For both incidences. I believe her house is going up for sheriff sale so I hope she moves. and Chickens are now caged and only have 4. I will keep trying they said I have a year to file.
Once upon a time, I was a babysitter on a pig farm. Miss Piggy was a pot belly pig, and bigger than the pigs being sold for butcher. She lived inside, used her litter box, and stayed near the house when I brought her outside with us. She was the reason for the child locks and the fridge being tied shut.
I just can't imagine eating her. Though I have never questioned what you (aurora) are doing. Just sharing a memory. To be honest, I am not ready to butcher any large animal. I have come to terms with poultry and wild game. I hope someday I can say the same about cow and maybe pig.

Loribischof, here's mine! I just took to calling her Meep after all the incessant chirping after her brothers left. :) Isn't it crazy how white she stayed? Looks so different than your boys!

She is SO cute! The white is pretty though....
I think this pig may be going to the butcher sooner than later. He literally tried to jump out the shed window today.... the window is at least 3 feet off the floor with a 6 inch shelf along the inside wall. He actually managed to open the screen while making his attempt. All because he figured out that he can stand on his hind legs and saw me outside. He's about 100 lbs right now. I know we won't get a ton of meat from him but I'd rather get less than have him completely destroy the shed or get lose and destroy someone else's stuff.

I can't imagine how little meat you would get from something that small. This from someone who raised pigs in a previous life (as a 4-Her) We had Yorkshires and Chester whites, while neighbors had Berkshires and duracs.
Most of the pigs we slaughtered were in the 250-350 lb range and they dressed out very well. They were raised on pastue with a flowing creek at one end and their food at the other plus all kinds of fruit and apple trees so they were very lean and meaty, not fatty at all.
I just wanted to share these pictures with Yayah! This is the American Serama rooster that I bought from her. My kids named him Bean. He is six weeks old and super fun to watch strutting around. My daughters were learning how to take pictures with mommy's "nice" camera, and even started the basics of photoshop.
Great pics!

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