Pekin leg injury


Apr 8, 2020
Alright, so I have a Pekin hen who was completely fine yesterday. Today she came out of the coop with a severe limp. She will barely put pressure on her right leg and just lays down. She'll even try to use her wing to balance. She was completely fine yesterday. The only thing I can think of is that a drake got rough with her (our ratios are off...we have more we're raising to go with them, but they're too young to go outside right now). There's no indication of bumblefoot, there's no heat in her leg, and she does't react to me touching anywhere (from her foot all the way up to and including her hip). Is there anything I can do to relieve pain in case she just strained/pulled something badly? What is the aspirin dosage? I can try to get a video, but she's resting comfortably right now and I'd prefer not to upset her. I will also be giving her extra niacin, but I wouldn't think a niacin deficiency would cause such a dramatic change overnight, would it?
This happened to one of my hens last month, but I think she most likely strained/pulled something. I think it is better to keep her separated from the flock until she recovers. For chickens its 5 aspirin tablets for a gallon of water. It can be given for three days
Alright, so I have a Pekin hen who was completely fine yesterday. Today she came out of the coop with a severe limp. She will barely put pressure on her right leg and just lays down. She'll even try to use her wing to balance. She was completely fine yesterday. The only thing I can think of is that a drake got rough with her (our ratios are off...we have more we're raising to go with them, but they're too young to go outside right now). There's no indication of bumblefoot, there's no heat in her leg, and she does't react to me touching anywhere (from her foot all the way up to and including her hip). Is there anything I can do to relieve pain in case she just strained/pulled something badly? What is the aspirin dosage? I can try to get a video, but she's resting comfortably right now and I'd prefer not to upset her. I will also be giving her extra niacin, but I wouldn't think a niacin deficiency would cause such a dramatic change overnight, would it?
@Miss Lydia @Isaac 0 is the aspirin dosage the same as for chickens, as mentioned above?
@Miss Lydia this is what she's doing. Her right hip does feel swollen now. Could it be dislocated? Mind the lack of shavings, this is not in the actual coop where they stay. I know she also has wet feather....this is the only duck I know of who won't willingly swim...

I just added nutridrench to her water and brewer's yeast to her food. If I only have 325 mg aspirin, how on earth do I not overdose her, given the 5 mg/kg rule. Is there powdered aspirin I can get somewhere?
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Treatment of soft tissue damage (strains/sprains) usually consists of confining the bird into a small pen, that's softly padded to reduce further movement in the foot, and reduce the chance of reinjury. Additionally, soaking the foot in cool Epsom salts every few days may help at reducing some of the inflammation. Asprin given at 5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight may also help at reducing any inflammation.

As a start, you can follow the guidelines above.

Her right hip does feel swollen now. Could it be dislocated?

Does it feel dislocated?

It is not uncommon for injuries to feel warm; such as sign does not necessarily indicate that it is dislocated unless it feels like the bone is out of place. Only you can determine that, however.
As a start, you can follow the guidelines above.

Does it feel dislocated?

It is not uncommon for injuries to feel warm; such as sign does not necessarily indicate that it is dislocated unless it feels like the bone is out of place. Only you can determine that, however.
It's hard to compare the two hips because she just won't stay still for long. The first time I felt them, I didn't feel any heat or swelling, only a few hours later when I checked on her. I'm assuming if it was dislocated, that would have been obvious from the start, but you never know with these guys. I'm hoping with some aspirin and rest she will heal. Thank you for all your help!
Rest is important and daily water therapy. Feet look good no bumble? You can buy liquid aspirin for livestock I have some. Ordered on line.

When I give baby aspirin I use bread to give it, I first give them a tiny bit so they see it as treat then I have the aspirin wrapped in the bread molding the bread around the aspirin to keep it from falling out.
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