Peep's not feeling well...


8 Years
Mar 18, 2016
Several days ago I noticed Peep had her tail down..has been keeping it down frequently. Walks around fairly listlessly as drinks but rarely eats. My daughter fed her some darkling beetles dipped in egg and she perked up for that. She'll also eat the clabber from goat milk.
First couple days crop was large and watery feeling. Now it feels fairly empty but still watery.
Abdomen feels large, firm, but no egg felt.
We gave her a bath a couple days ago and the poop we washed off felt like it may have had small bits of egg shell in it. Since then I've really seen no evidence of pooping.
She's about 2.5/3 years old and is barnyard mix. Last year she had a growth near her tail but we got it healed after about 6 months of keeping her isolated from the flock.
She's always been a heavy bird but seems a bit heavier right now.



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I would check to make sure she's not egg bound and definitely get some water/ food in her. She also looks like she has bumble foot which could be a reason she's not walking around a lot. I hope others that are more experienced will chime in. But I'd maybe give her some electrolytes in this heat being off food and water is dangerous.
I didn't even look at the bottom of her feet! I'll look more closely when I go out again. Plus I'll look up treating bumblefoot! She walks like she's got a full diaper...
Could a possible cause be the blackberry vines I tossed in a couple weeks ago? These chickens love blackberry leaves.
Definitely a possibility! I free range on 7 acres covered in blackberry bushes so I check my girls feet once a week. It pretty easy to treat it's just a slowish healing process. I've noticed hens walk off when they have it if it's bad.
Peep had her tail down..has been keeping it down frequently. Walks around fairly listlessly as drinks but rarely eats.

First couple days crop was large and watery feeling. Now it feels fairly empty but still watery.
Abdomen feels large, firm, but no egg felt.

poop we washed off felt like it may have had small bits of egg shell in it. Since then I've really seen no evidence of pooping.

She's always been a heavy bird but seems a bit heavier right now.

She walks like she's got a full diaper...
Can you separate her out, put her on some puppy pads so you can get a good look at her poop.
Feel inside the vent to see if there is an egg or any broken egg shell.
From your description and her stance in the photos, I would lean toward her have a reproductive problem. Does her abdomen feel bloated or fluid filled?

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