Peacock missing his head feathers


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
One of our peacocks is missing his head feather, it looks like it's been neatly chopped off. At first I thought maybe he stuck it into the drum fan......although I'm not sure how he would have gotten it that far in there...but now I'm beginning to wonder. WE've had some kids trespassing on our property lately, so....

Anyway, will it ever grow back?? He looks so undignified without it.
One of our peacocks is missing his head feather, it looks like it's been neatly chopped off. At first I thought maybe he stuck it into the drum fan......although I'm not sure how he would have gotten it that far in there...but now I'm beginning to wonder. WE've had some kids trespassing on our property lately, so....

Anyway, will it ever grow back?? He looks so undignified without it.
I don’t have peafowl, but with chickens feathers they regrow at the next molt.
During breeding season the cocks will 'bow' to the hen in the courting process and allow the hen to preen him. Some hens will eat the crest feathers and if you are unlucky she will continue even after the breeding season. They will regrow during the molt and he may be fine, but if they keep disappearing it is because the hen is eating them. Here are a couple of examples of bowing.
Hmm, that's interesting. We've never had that happen before, but we have a new hen this year, so maybe that's what it was. It looked like it was cleanly snipped off though..not pulled out.

Anyway, good to know it should grow back.

Thanks, all.

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