

13 Years
Jun 18, 2010
Whew, I just read an ugly thread!
I love peace. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable when reading a few of these threads. It isn't very often, but it happens nevertheless. There will always be disagreements and differences of opinions, but when arguing and taunting occurs it's time to shut it down. All I can add is....PEACE, baby, PEACE!!!
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I agree. There are some wonderful rules that the mods put together, and if people would read them, follow them, and then just walk away if they are "hurt" or "insulted' -which, honestly, I believe is more in the way things are read than the poster intended- then this will remain a great site. Unfortunately there are people who for whatever reason confuse arguing with conversation. I have met people like that. They can not understand why I won't engage them. "It is only conversation", after all.
Just remember, if something is uncomfortable, hit the Report button and the moderators will make the final decision and take care of it. With a community the size of BYC it's a given that there will be some discord.
Thanks! I have noticed the button, but never thought much of it.
I don't think I'll ever use it, unless it involves obscene subject matter.
To quote a few of the moderators: "The report button is your friend."

Even if it's only a spat getting out of hand, let them know. Usually a mod can go in and settle folks down.
Sometimes thread do make us uncomfortable but you have to ask yourself if it is because it's offensive or the subject matter bothers us. I am very sensitive about animal abuse so I do not read any thread that even hints that is what it is about because I know it will bother me. Do I hit report? No. Others are comfortable discussing it and seeing it but I am not so why should I complain? If it is sexual or offensive or purposely mean, yes I hit report.
Yes, it was mean spirited, nasty/offensive and calling the other member a fraud. I thought OMG, settle down here !!! It was an active thread.
I won't read a thread either that hints at animal mistreatment or abuse. Or even culling. I won't read the threads about the injuries or illnesses. I'm frightened of seeing photographs of the poor souls.
Yeah..i had to deal with a very rude person in a thread yesterday..
At first i responded with a "**** you" comment...
but then i thought better of it and edited my response. People like that just arent worth it... They're just miserable inside. And want to hurt other people to make themselves feel good.
Pathetic really, if you think about it.
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