PBA(Parrot Beak Asil/Aseel) USA, Project(And Discussion Thread)

If you're a fan of Oriental Gamefowl, & want a unique Breed?

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Project chick #4, is looking to be a cockerel. He's splash Duckwing. If he looks better then my Splash Wheaten, he may take his place.

Out of the Malay chicks I hatched from the breeder I got 4 cockerels, & 2 pullets. 1 of the cockerels I've found a home for. He will be leaving sometime next month.
The Samba Malay cockerel seems to be carrying the same trait as my Chameleons. Starting to get in white down feathers, & some odd splotches.
So he'd probably be good to add to the Black to White project/experiment.
#4. At 4 weeks of age. Will try to get pictures of his older sisters tomorrow.

Liking his looks. But he wasn't happy about getting pictures today.

Good short face, but not very thick in the beak. Comb placement is almost perfect.
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