Parakeet on bottom of cage


Aug 18, 2019
North Georgia
Hey there! My female parakeet Gwen has been hanging out in the bottom corner of her cage lately. I’m not sure if she sees something she wants and is trying to get it or what! She is healthy and just fine, acts completely normal, eats and drinks and sings all the time. She’s around 10-11 years. My grandpa thinks she may be wanting a nest to lay an egg, is this a possibility? She does not have a mate, she’s alone and gets plenty of love and attention from us. Again, she acts completely healthy and normal other than this. Anyone know why she might be doing this?
Sounds like nesting behavior to me too. I would check her feet and legs for any sign of injuries and see if she's able to roost okay and doesn't have any arthritis. If she's having troubles roosting there are shelves and hammocks for budgies to sleep in if necessary. I always provide a flat surface for resting for mine just in case.
Sounds like nesting behavior to me too. I would check her feet and legs for any sign of injuries and see if she's able to roost okay and doesn't have any arthritis. If she's having troubles roosting there are shelves and hammocks for budgies to sleep in if necessary. I always provide a flat surface for resting for mine just in case.
Okay thank you so much for replying! I will check her out and give her a flat surface for her to use :)
I don't believe there's an age when they stop being able to be hormonal.
My experience with budgies hanging around down the bottom of the cage are the two I've said.
My older budgie started having feet/leg issues toward the end of his life, started off as mild bumble foot, got that under control and then I think he was dealing with arthritis and eventually I believe gout.
And I have a female that is almost always interested in nesting. She's not old but has taught me plenty of hormonal signs. Hanging around the bottom of the cage, in particular corners, sitting/scratching in food bowls, excessive shredding of toys and/or cage liners, etc.
If it was my bird I would not give her a nest box as I would not want to encourage any laying at her age. If she is hormonal I would work on disrupting that. That means nothing that encourages nest building, no dark enclosed places such as nest boxes, coconuts, or happy/hidey huts, rearranging the cage, changing her scenery, and potentially diet and daylight changes too.

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