Paper wasps


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
So I've got this eave on my back porch and the paper wasps keep trying to build a nest there. To be clear, I've got no problem with wasps and poison is a last resort. The trouble is is it's right by the door I go out of several times a day and if they nest there they freak and attack me when I come out the door. I've repeatedly knocked it down before it could get any bigger and I spray em with Palmolive water to discourage them. I even put up a fake wasp nest so they won't nest there. They just keep coming. I've tried peppermint oil, keeping the area wet, everything. Not sure how better to discourage them at this point. Thoughts?
Well, I too let a paper wasp nest grow right above a door as it wasn’t doing anything aggressive and I appreciate the wasps eating the pesky garden catapillars. I walked out that door several times without issue from the wasps but one day it became an issue. It was hot as heck so I was only wearing a sports bra and that sucker went right for my spine! Got me is the lower back and that was that, no more wasp nest. Bald faced hornets and yellow jackets are just too aggressive to play around with. Any time I’ve been stung I wasn’t even messing with the nest, I was just too close I guess.
In a spray bottle of water add a few drops of peppermint oil. You can use essential oil. Shake well, spray the nest and area. In fact, go around and spray under all of the eaves. The peppermint does not kill them, but they hate it. They will go away and build their nest somewhere else. A couple might hang around to protect the nest until the babies all leave.
In a spray bottle of water add a few drops of peppermint oil. You can use essential oil. Shake well, spray the nest and area. In fact, go around and spray under all of the eaves. The peppermint does not kill them, but they hate it. They will go away and build their nest somewhere else. A couple might hang around to protect the nest until the babies all leave.
Yea I tried that. Didn't work unfortunately
Well, I too let a paper wasp nest grow right above a door as it wasn’t doing anything aggressive and I appreciate the wasps eating the pesky garden catapillars. I walked out that door several times without issue from the wasps but one day it became an issue. It was hot as heck so I was only wearing a sports bra and that sucker went right for my spine! Got me is the lower back and that was that, no more wasp nest. Bald faced hornets and yellow jackets are just too aggressive to play around with. Any time I’ve been stung I wasn’t even messing with the nest, I was just too close I guess.
Have had this happen. They just are too close to the door. Sometimes they even end up in my house. That was the final straw for me when they got in the home. If it wasn't so close to the door I'd probably leave it alone
Most hydro carbons, paint thinner, gasoline, diesel, lacquer thinner, all will kill wasps on contact. It evaporates quickly so unless one is completely stupid there is little fire hazard.

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