@PamperedChickGirl made me wonder about something . . . we are talking multiple coops here

So, when (ahem, IF) we decide to have more than one coup (looks like its gonna be necessary) will the chickens know to go to THEIR own coop? 🤔
No. If the birds are allowed to range as a flock they want to roost as one too. The only way to get chickens to use separate coops is to separate the flocks.
No. If the birds are allowed to range as a flock they want to roost as one too. The only way to get chickens to use separate coops is to separate the flocks.
This will be interesting for my research is showing the size coop we would need would be upwards of $1,000. Ain't got it like that.

So, I figured, ok, as flock grows simply build/purchase another coop (in time). Not buying flock all at once allows for us to afford proper housing. Hmmmmm.

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