Orpington chicks growing up

Beautiful, must be really special getting to see them grow up
We can only do it because the breeder will take the boys back, but we are loving it (even my husband has been won over by their antics). My Mum has lost two blue Orpingtons at very young ages which is why we got these babies and the reason we chose a breeder who kept mixed pens. Mum loves Fairy Floss, the white one, and she is one out of the box. She's super friendly, jumps out of the pen as soon as we take the lid off, doesn't mind the kids picking her up, cuddling and kissing her and she will often settle down on a knee, or arm, or shoulder. She thinks with her stomach so I think that has a lot to do with it! The others are a bit scatty but if you can catch them, or wait for them to jump out of their own accord (a bit trickier for the kids to do!) they will quite happily sit on a hand or arm or knee and be patted. Outside they treat me as their jungle gym.

I don't think I'd make a very good breeder as I wouldn't want to give any up. It will be tough taking the boys back but at least we have 4 girls to love.
Oh, that's going to be tough giving the little guys up :/ Still, having them in your life as long as you will Is an honour. They are very beautiful animals.

I noticed you said 'mum', so I'm assuming you're a fellow Brit?
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Nope! You're from New Zealand, I should have checked your profile before asking. I had a friend who moved to New Zealand, it looks very beautiful there. How's the weather?
New Zealand is beautiful (we are by the coast like you, just on the other side of the world) but the weather has been awful this week where we are, howling a gale and showery. I don't mind the rain but I could do without the wind! So the poor chicks (and kids) have been stuck inside. I've had to bring in one of our bantams as she's decided to go broody! In this weather in the middle of winter! She was getting a hard time in the main coop as she's chosen the favourite nestbox to sit in. She's a sweet little booted bantam who seeks out our attention and our son (who is 5) is thrilled to have her inside so he can feed her and pat her. I'm hoping all the attention might put her off but she looks pretty determined!
I forgot it's now winter for you guys! It's the middle of summer here. 31C in certain areas; 23C locally. Some very wet and windy days, it is still the UK after all :rolleyes:
But it is nice living on the coast; the fresh air and the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks. Very relaxing at night, I'm sure you'll agree.

I never knew chickens went broody in the colder/darker months, very strange. I'm surprised she's letting you pet her, don't hens become more aggressive when they're broody?
Some can get grumpy (our bantam Wyandotte turns into a screaming demon) but our Old English Game bantams (and now our Booted bantam) don't turn nasty. They might grumble but they never try and peck. I wasn't expecting a broody chook at this time of year. It has been warmer than usual with the odd cold snap just recently but not great weather for hatching babies. She's only about 8 months old as well. I'd love to indulge her but I'd better not!

We are a couple of roads back from the cliff so we can't hear the sea but we visit the local beaches often. 31 degrees is a bit warm - your temperature sounds much more comfortable.
Yeah, I guess it depends on the individual. I think broody hens are adorable, especially when they growl. I saw a great video of a hen who had gone broody over a clutch of golf balls, I'm surprised the guy who tried to remove them didn't bleed to death, the way she was pecking him!

23 degrees is more comfortable for sure, but the hotter the weather the better it is for swimming. I would like to move to one of the Channel Islands, or perhaps Spain or Germany.

(It's not all positive living right on the shore, no trees, and very few bushes grow here; we're very exposed.)
Here are our babies at 6 weeks old. They are all very sweet and like climbing on me outside. A couple of them quite like a cuddle, especially Fairy Floss. She has also taken to climbing up onto my shoulder, then climbing onto my head! I'm hoping she'll grow out of that trick soon. They are still mostly inside as (as you can see) some of the boys still don't have all their feathers.

Little Boy Blue

Blueberry Muffin (looking quite blue now - I thought he was going to be buff and black)

Butternut (excuse my foot in the background - I had two chicks on one leg and three perching on the other)!



Fairy Floss

Cinnamon Roll


Miss Muffet
Aww I love my blue,splash,lavender,and chocolate Orphington 's
they are the best but I would love to to try to breed blue/splash/black Orphington's sense those are colors you usually get when breeding for the blue gene
Aww I love my blue,splash,lavender,and chocolate Orphington 's
they are the best but I would love to to try to breed blue/splash/black Orphington's sense those are colors you usually get when breeding for the blue gene
They are adorable. Such sweet babies and it's so fun bringing them up ourselves. Chocolate Orps are so pretty but we don't have any in New Zealand. You're so lucky!

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