Oregano oil works for cocci and worms, it works!



12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Belleville, Kansas
I don't know how many of you are into homeopathic remedies but one I have found that is excellent is oregano oil mixed in olive oil.
Its a very harsh and caustic oil so it HAS to be diluted but it will worm them and it appears to kill cocci almost instantly as well.
Been great for treating my pea babies because sometimes they don't look sick one minute and the next are at deaths door. About tablespoon of oil and 4 drops of oregano oil mixed in a cup and then droppered into the edge of their beaks so it doesn't go down wrong pipe. That much should treat 4 or 5 birds.

Oregano oil is pricey tho at health food stores. Online is much cheaper but those are only places you can get it.

Its saved quite a few of my birds now, had my flock rooster go down last week, found him in coop laying on side with head laying on ground. I didn't think I could save him but brought him in house and dosed him, within 2 hours he expelled a huge roundworm and up and runnin about!
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It is correct, oregano is works against cocci. Turkeys are very sensitive against cocci and here in Europe it is forbidden now to put precautionary chemicals into the food.
In an official study they found out that cocci problems are possible to prevent if you mix oregano powder into the Turkey feed. I do this now since two years with my green peafowl and don’t have problems anymore. Based on my experiences green peafowl are more sensitive against cocci than IB.
That oregano works well for worms I cannot confirm. Here I have some big question marks. Because if a bird will have much worms you can see some even if you don’t treat a bird and have not read any article or study which is mentioning or confirming this.
I can confirm through experience though. Unlike many wormers that just paralyze the worms for them to be expelled, it actually kills them.

I haven't lost any peababies to cocci for 3 years now since I started dosing them asap when they started looking a little droopy.

And Reinhold, thanks so much for confirming this, maybe it will save some else's birdies.

It also has tremendous antibiotic properties, I take it myself when coming down with a cold, but that's another story. :)
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It is correct, oregano is works against cocci. Turkeys are very sensitive against cocci and here in Europe it is forbidden now to put precautionary chemicals into the food.
In an official study they found out that cocci problems are possible to prevent if you mix oregano powder into the Turkey feed. I do this now since two years with my green peafowl and don’t have problems anymore. Based on my experiences green peafowl are more sensitive against cocci than IB.
That oregano works well for worms I cannot confirm. Here I have some big question marks. Because if a bird will have much worms you can see some even if you don’t treat a bird and have not read any article or study which is mentioning or confirming this.
Not true, a bird can have worms and may or may not poop them out. And some worms are too small to see, like capillary and cecal worms.


No, garden oregano won't work' it has to be Mediterranean?. Its just not strong enough. I use oil, which is super caustic. If u do an internet search you will see they are using it in other countries for cocci treatment in goats and beef.

They only reason I think it works as a wormer is nothing could hang on to your stomach lining hike being bathed in it, it Burns!!!!!!!
Well, and the fact every time I use it they poop worms as if they given a wormer.

Not to put words in anyone's mouth but i think what Reinhold was saying is that sometimes they poo worms whether or not they were given a wormer. That's how I interpreted anyhow.
I will post pictures so everyone can see how small cecal worms are and how easily the could be missed even when pooped out.

KsKingBee, that chick you lost to roundworms, did you see worms in it's poop before it died?


No, garden oregano won't work' it has to be Mediterranean?. Its just not strong enough. I use oil, which is super caustic. If u do an internet search you will see they are using it in other countries for cocci treatment in goats and beef.

They only reason I think it works as a wormer is nothing could hang on to your stomach lining hike being bathed in it, it Burns!!!!!!!
Well, and the fact every time I use it they poop worms as if they given a wormer.

Not to put words in anyone's mouth but i think what Reinhold was saying is that sometimes they poo worms whether or not they were given a wormer. That's how I interpreted anyhow.

I thought he meant that if you don't see worms that they don't have them.


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