Optional Non Pine shaving Coop thoughts? I'm allergic to the pine bedding.

Vampire Gardener

Apr 25, 2023
So, I had COVID back in May and never really felt like I got over the respiratory side of things. I got my chicken babies on April 27th and have been using pine bark shavings. I cough in the morning and a few times during the day. I thought I might be allergic to my chickens, but when putting down a large block of pine shavings in the new coop for the first time I started to have a coughing fit. Worst yet by far and I think I'm allergic to the bedding.

Any thoughts for alternative non allergy causing bedding? I have nothing but vinyl flooring on the poop trays and that seems to be an easy clean up. I had planned to put sand on the trays on top of the vinyl but I don't know that I even need it. The vinyl alone allows me to clean up with soapy water periodically if I think it needs it. I am worried that they may at some point start to pick at it.

I thought about putting sand on the floor of my coop but that isn't very soft on their feet. Only 4 of my nine are roosting on the board above the poop tray. The other 5 are much lower in the coop on the baby roosts from their temporary coop that are only 6" off the pine bedding. The roosting bar is about 3' off the floor of the coop. They are jumping off the roosting bar and landing on the coop floor so I want to make sure it isn't too hard on their feet. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I have also considered dried chopped up leaves but I'm afraid I'll have similar allergy issues to that. Anyone else been in a similar boat? Would love to know what works for you.
Sorry to hear about your allergy. There are certainly alternatives. I use hemp bedding in my coop. You may not have an allergy to that. More expensive but in my anecdotal expereince seems to be more durable, adsorbent, and not as smelly hen poop load is high.
I use Espoma Sanicare in my coop. I LOVE it. It is expensive (unless you live near a store that sells it - I dont, so I have to have it shipped), but it lasts SOOOO long because it can be scooped/sifted like sand. Also, it is extremely low dust (if any), and it is not made from pine or cedar.


Here's the website (and no, I'm not a paid rep, lol):

I use Espoma Sanicare in my coop. I LOVE it. It is expensive (unless you live near a store that sells it - I dont, so I have to have it shipped), but it lasts SOOOO long because it can be scooped/sifted like sand. Also, it is extremely low dust (if any), and it is not made from pine or cedar.

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Here's the website (and no, I'm not a paid rep, lol):

Have you tried a tack shop..I found it at one yesterday, just a small Amish place.

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