Opinions please


Apr 6, 2019
I'm wanting to start a little hatchery soon. But there's a problem that needs to be taken care of. I have a rooster who's the offspring of my dominant rooster and they've already fought twice. It was pretty ugly to watch them fight. Finally after separating them I let them establish it after taking a break from each other. Within the seconds the dominant rooster chased his offspring off. This happened both times. They are fine now but I don't want it to happen again. I want to keep the offspring rooster because he's so sweet and let's me pick him up and he eats out of my hand. But we've always loved the dominant rooster as well. I'm thinking about keeping the offspring but keeping him as a hatchery rooster. So I'm wanting him to be able to breed some hens for the hatchery. But he's a mixed breed though. The dominant rooster is a Buff Orpington and the offspring is a Buff Orpington X Speckled Sussex. I'm not sure what breeds he should breed with though. Mixed breed hens or pure breed hens. Anybody got ideas?
If you want to start a hatchery you should probably have purebreds. People want to know what they are buying and maybe won’t go for the mixed breeds, idk though. Maybe you can separate the chickens half the hens for the dominant and half for the young roo. Seperate the purebreds and the mixed breeds so you know that they are purebreds and you can honestly tell the buyer what breeds they are.
I'm wanting to start a little hatchery soon. But there's a problem that needs to be taken care of. I have a rooster who's the offspring of my dominant rooster and they've already fought twice. It was pretty ugly to watch them fight. Finally after separating them I let them establish it after taking a break from each other. Within the seconds the dominant rooster chased his offspring off. This happened both times. They are fine now but I don't want it to happen again. I want to keep the offspring rooster because he's so sweet and let's me pick him up and he eats out of my hand. But we've always loved the dominant rooster as well. I'm thinking about keeping the offspring but keeping him as a hatchery rooster. So I'm wanting him to be able to breed some hens for the hatchery. But he's a mixed breed though. The dominant rooster is a Buff Orpington and the offspring is a Buff Orpington X Speckled Sussex. I'm not sure what breeds he should breed with though. Mixed breed hens or pure breed hens. Anybody got ideas?
Sounds like you want to be a breeder, not open a hatchery.

Honestly, it sounds like you need to improve your setup FIRST and foremost. How many hens do you have and how big of a space do they have? What breeds do YOU want? What is the market for them in your area? Pricing? What is the demand? Are you selling chicks or eggs?

If its chicks, what do you do with possible leftover males? Do you think people will be interested in just BOs and a bunch of mutts? How will buyers receive chicks? Any guarantees to quality?

These are all important questions.
If you want to start a hatchery you should probably have purebreds. People want to know what they are buying and maybe won’t go for the mixed breeds, idk though. Maybe you can separate the chickens half the hens for the dominant and half for the young roo. Seperate the purebreds and the mixed breeds so you know that they are purebreds and you can honestly tell the buyer what breeds they are.
Honestly, this is just a decision of what to do with this rooster. I'm definitely going to start with purebreeds. I'm going to buy some good layers to get the process started. The mixed breed situation is just something fun to add to it. Yes I'm going to do purebreds absolutely. Just needed to know what to do with this offspring just so he can breed with some hens
Sounds like you want to be a breeder, not open a hatchery.

Honestly, it sounds like you need to improve your setup FIRST and foremost. How many hens do you have and how big of a space do they have? What breeds do YOU want? What is the market for them in your area? Pricing? What is the demand? Are you selling chicks or eggs?

If its chicks, what do you do with possible leftover males? Do you think people will be interested in just BOs and a bunch of mutts? How will buyers receive chicks? Any guarantees to quality?

These are all important questions.
I'm starting small. I'm going to hopefully buy some kennels to separate certain purebreeds. I'll be starting local first. I don't have a flock with the same breed. I have different breeds. But I'm going to buy some chicks that are purebreds to start it off. Like I want to start with Barred rocks, Buff orpingtons, red and black stars, and white Leghorns
I'm starting small. I'm going to hopefully buy some kennels to separate certain purebreeds. I'll be starting local first. I don't have a flock with the same breed. I have different breeds. But I'm going to buy some chicks that are purebreds to start it off. Like I want to start with Barred rocks, Buff orpingtons, red and black stars, and white Leghorns
Ypu do mean the chainlink kennels, amd not dog crates, right?

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