Opinions on nestboxes hubby built today


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
We have 9 leghorn hens. He built three nestboxes (I thought we were having more....we could always make them a little smaller and add one more in there, or we could just put three more underneath the ones already there) One thing we're going to have to change is that he put a roost pole up over the top of the nest boxes. They'll poop right on top of and in them! I wasn't home when he accomplished all of this!


Wow! What a great coop! I love your nesting boxes. The only thing I might add is a perch right outside the box. I can't tell for the pics if there is one. They look great, your girls will love them!
What a great looking coop! Love the vent above the roof; lends a nice air to the coop.

The nest boxes are really well done... you are rightly concerned about the roost above the them, though. Ask your clever husband to build a shallow box underneath the roost to catch all the fertilizer the girls will offer him. Very easy to clean, and the nests should be safe.
I would also put a perch of some type in front of the row of nest boxes. Generally the hens want to take a peek inside before entering to lay eggs.
So wonderful to have such a handy husband!


He's going to put a perch up outside the nesting boxes, below them, so they can jump up into them. The turbine vent was his idea. He even put a door in it...so that we can make good use of it for air flow in the summertime, but "shut the door" in the wintertime to keep out blowing snow. We have soffit all the way around, windows, and roof venting stuff so it will still be well ventilated in the wintertime without that. It sure works nice! With us working in it, it has stayed at least 10 degrees cooler inside there. But it's also insulated...which probably helps!

Sure will! We've been going about the speed of a garden snail here..... but we're getting closer to the end now! In the pic of the coop....you see the one panel, I have 9 of these that were given to me, they are 5x9. One way or another....I'm hoping to use these! They are VERY sturdy....and if they're free....why not!


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