Opinions ideas on these coops/breeding pens?


Dec 28, 2014
Hi everyone!
Ok so I have always wanted to build my own coops. Well we have been attempting the past few weeks on making these coops/breeding pens. Only bantam breeds are going in them (english game bantams and frizzle cochins and silkies).
So far we have built 3, each one a little different with improvements. Is there any tips, ideas, or changes that should be done? I'm planning putting curtains in front of the nesting box lol. They are 4ft wide and 3ft tall. I need to build about 3 more, so any suggestions would be great!
The chicken wire is the most obvious issue IMO, it's too easy to breech by anything raccoon size or larger.
I live in a area where raccoons aren't really a problem (knock on wood). Plus my yard is fenced In, i live in a small neighborhood, not too many woods, and I have 6 dogs(they wont let the squirrels in the yard lol). So I should be good as far as the raccoons go. :)
They look pretty nice.

Are the dogs outside 24/7?
They are out most the time. I know there is a small window where something could get in but when they are inside, if they hear anything they bark like no other. Plus we have motion lights and the pens are right outside my bedroom window. It's a working process. One day I'll be able to afford the hardware cloth.

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