red horse ranch

10 Years
Jan 24, 2014
Buffalo Wyoming
My peahen is on day 22 of sitting on her eggs. This morning when I went out to feed she came out of the barn with this...

As soon as I picked up the chick she went back in the barn and got on the rest of her eggs. I guess she knew it wasn't hers and she wanted me to have it. :confused:
I have a chicken hen with some 6 day old keets and I will try to put the chick with her this evening. I have the chick in the nursery now and it is drinking and eating. ;)
I just took the eggs from my pea hen. 6 eggs and 5 of them had just quit. They should have hatched 6 days ago. One was a dud. I did a necropsy and they had gotten to the point of feathers and little feet but it's like they died in there. Could they get to hot? She was sitting on them on a nest in the loft of my barn and it got pretty hot up there. What might cause this. I know the hen had been diligent. She never left that nest. I checked it at least twice a day. Any guidance you may be willing to give me would be appreciated. thank you
This is my 1st time with hatching peachicks. My pair are two years old. I probably have just as many questions as you do. :D I have done a lot of hatching with chickens, guineas and a few turkeys. And it's possible that the eggs got too hot. It could be the health and nutrition of the parents since that causes a lot of early quitters. Hopefully someone with more experience than us will chime in. I've read that it can be hard to hatch peachicks successfully.

p.s. My chicken hen with the guinea keets wouldn't accept the chick so I'm raising an
only child again. :barnie

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