Oops, I did it again...

The littles, week 3. I sold Indigo and Prim to a coworker, and am still debating whether to keep the remaining 6 or sell a couple more.





The 6 littles spent the day getting integrated with my big girls - thankfully my chickens have always been chill about newcomers, so I don’t expect any bloodshed during this transition. I had planned on bringing them in at night for another week, but the littles are strolling in and out of the coop like they own the place, so I might just let them stay out there tonight. A coworker tried to dissuade me from getting CCLBs because she said hers were incredibly dumb, but I find this batch to be quite comical and clever. So far, everyone appears to be the pullets they’re supposed to be.



The 6 littles spent the day getting integrated with my big girls - thankfully my chickens have always been chill about newcomers, so I don’t expect any bloodshed during this transition. I had planned on bringing them in at night for another week, but the littles are strolling in and out of the coop like they own the place, so I might just let them stay out there tonight. A coworker tried to dissuade me from getting CCLBs because she said hers were incredibly dumb, but I find this batch to be quite comical and clever. So far, everyone appears to be the pullets they’re supposed to be.
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View attachment 3127723
View attachment 3127724
View attachment 3127725
They are gorgeous! My 4 Legbars seem to be pretty clever so far.

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