Only able to get 5 Chickens - help me pick breeds!


In the Brooder
May 26, 2023
Hi everyone! I'm new to BYC, but I have experience from 20 years ago raising my own chickens from when I was a kid. So I'm kind of a newbie (again) but already know some things about caring for chickens.

Here's my situation:
I live in a small town that passed a new ordinance to allow residents to have 5 hens only. I would like to raise them from baby chicks with my children and let them help care for them. I would like to get friendly/docile chickens so we can pet/hold them and treat them as egg laying pets. We are not allowed to free range them in town, but I will build them a nice big fenced in run, but we need breeds that do well in confinement. We live in Ohio with pretty cold winters, so I need hardy chickens, but we can and will run electric water warmer and coop warmer out to their coop. That's not a problem.

Lastly, we would enjoy not only pretty chickens, but pretty eggs. I'd love to get a mix of brown, blue, green if possible. I know this is all a tall order. Please give advice on which breeds to look for.

Here are some that we liked from catalogs/family friends:
Rhode Island Reds
Barred Rocks
Easter/Olive eggers
Whitings (true blue/true green)
Leg Bars

Feel free to weigh in with your experience or other breed recommendations based on personality of chicken, hardiness, and the cute factor (egg and hen).

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Lots of friendly birds on your list, however if you want sure fire docile friendly chickens, get Buff Orpingtons! They are always docile, they will follow you around like drooling puppies, they are hardy in all climates, and they live long lives. Great with kids! Healthy breed. Great layers too!

So glad you decided to join us!
Hi everyone! I'm new to BYC, but I have experience from 20 years ago raising my own chickens from when I was a kid. So I'm kind of a newbie (again) but already know some things about caring for chickens.

Here's my situation:
I live in a small town that passed a new ordinance to allow residents to have 5 hens only. I would like to raise them from baby chicks with my children and let them help care for them. I would like to get friendly/docile chickens so we can pet/hold them and treat them as egg laying pets. We are not allowed to free range them in town, but I will build them a nice big fenced in run, but we need breeds that do well in confinement. We live in Ohio with pretty cold winters, so I need hardy chickens, but we can and will run electric water warmer and coop warmer out to their coop. That's not a problem.

Lastly, we would enjoy not only pretty chickens, but pretty eggs. I'd love to get a mix of brown, blue, green if possible. I know this is all a tall order. Please give advice on which breeds to look for.

Here are some that we liked from catalogs/family friends:
Rhode Island Reds
Barred Rocks
Easter/Olive eggers
Whitings (true blue/true green)
Leg Bars

Feel free to weigh in with your experience or other breed recommendations based on personality of chicken, hardiness, and the cute factor (egg and hen).

Welcome Aboard! And CONGRATULATIONS on having your town come into "Chicken Enlightenment!" :D

By hook or by crook, small children need a Silkie! They're super soft and super friendly. he issue is that you can' be sure of their gender until you either hear a crow or see an egg. I recommend a started pullet. It's more expensive but worth the heartache of not having to rehome a beloved boy.

With small children, a colorful egg basket is a real bonus, too, so you definitely want an Easter Egger. EE's are like Christmas presents ... They come in a gazillion different color combinations and you never know which until they're fully feathered. The muffs and beards are fun, too. I don't recommend a RIR. If you're going to go the large, red chicken route, I'd choose a New Hampshire Red, simply for temperament. One that's not on your list, but ends to be calm (and impressively large) is a Black Jersey Giant. A bonus for you is the BIG brown egg they lay.

Orpingtons are supposed to be the Cocker Spaniel of the chicken world, sweet and docile. I've never had them, but friends who do swear by them. Cochins are prey cool, too - the feathered feet are fun for kids!

Holy Cow (Chicken?) There are SO many choices. Maybe i's good ha ordnances limit the numbers allowed. They undersand Chicken Math better than WE do!
I have a Whiting True Blue. Her name is Twirp. At 5 weeks old she got herself out of the baby area and went out foraging with the rest of the flock. (We free range: coop, no run, range where they like). She's now 2 and is my most independent lady, constantly exploring, willing to go off by herself, unescorted by a rooster, very alert and one of my friendliest ladies. She was even willing to eat out of a niece's hands (won't eat out of my hands). Loves bananas.


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