One of my chicks died suddenly, now what should I do?


In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2020
Tonight I went to lock the girls up like any other night, but noticed one didn't return to the coop with the rest of the flock. I first checked their favorite tree that they love to have me fetch them out of at night with no luck. I found our missing girl under our back porch, a popular spot for the ladies during the day, but she was deceased and had been for a few hours it seemed.
She had no signs of an attack that I could tell - no blood, couldn't find any puncture wounds, no missing feathers, nothing. It's like she just.... died 😞 She did have curly toe paralysis since birth.
What should I do now? Should I have her checked for disease somehow, check the rest of the flock, discard all her eggs in case of a passed disease? I'm clueless here.
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Tonight I went to lock the girls up like any other night, but noticed one didn't return to the coop with the rest of the flock. I first checked their favorite tree that they love to have me fetch them out of at night with no luck. I found our missing girl under our back porch, a popular spot for the ladies during the day, but she was deceased and had been for a few hours it seemed.
She had no signs of an attack that I could tell - no blood, couldn't find any puncture wounds, no missing feathers, nothing. It's like she just.... died 😞
What should I do now? Should I have her checked for disease somehow, check the rest of the flock, discard all her eggs in case of a passed disease? I'm clueless here.

I'm really sorry for your loss 😢 How old was she?
I also had a chick that died in the same conditions- no puncture wounds, no blood, no sign of absolutely anything wrong... my flock was fine and didn't have any health issues come up, and to this day, they are all perfectly healthy. I'm fairly sure it was a cramp because she was laying on her side with claw marks like she had been kicking. (No it couldn't have been a predator, their coop is enclosed and they hide inside to sleep) I just buried her and that was that :( She hadn't started to lay yet so idk what to tell u there.
You can send her for a necropsy, generally there's a state veterinarian that handles that kind of thing, or search "chicken necropsy in (your state)" - sometimes they really do just die of a heart attack or something else, but it is good to get confirmation.

p.s. If you intend to send her for a necropsy, seal in a bag and REFRIGERATE. Do not freeze.

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