one man trash is another mans treasure

Lucky! My hubs cleared out four 20 yard dumpsters of trash from our property, and also over 50 tires. This doesn't include the trash he threw in the regular trash cans.

What kind of antiques?
What was the time frame of the trash?
oh i dont know i found something back there that was 82 years old so
Lucky! My hubs cleared out four 20 yard dumpsters of trash from our property, and also over 50 tires. This doesn't include the trash he threw in the regular trash cans.

What kind of antiques?
there's all sorts of things back there even a old bathtub here a few of my favs we found


the mug is a lucky find its 82 years old and in perfect condition

this one really confuses me
I wonder if it's from when we use to buy more from Japan.
maybe either way nothing we find back there surprises me any more honestly i wouldn't be surprised if we found a car if he can get a gas tank and a bathtub back there I'm sure he could get a car back there
sadly we cant ask the guy cause he's dead and so is everyone else in his family

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