OMPHALITIS... in new born chick. What should I do????


10 Years
Jun 14, 2009
I think its Omphalitis. Anything I should do????????

Is there anything I can or should do for this little chick? Notice the blood sac on his rear end. Hatched an hour ago.

What makes you think it's infected? It's somewhat normal for some chicks to retain part of the yolk or attachment. But if it's not infected, maybe cover it with a bandaid and leave it alone.
I don't think its infected. But it hatched with blood on the bottom. I have two like this now. Two are fine with no blood, two have little bloody rears.
If the chick has a bad smell, it is drowsy, and week, and enlarged, bluish, inflamed naval ares than it most likely is. Remove chicks to clean spot if you haven't already. antibiotics and a clean place can , only sometimes help. But use caution when handling, it can infect humans. If none of the above have anything to do withe your chick, take is to a vet, that's what i had to do. I got this info from looking on line because i have to memories chicken diseases.

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