Older hen with watery poop


May 12, 2020
I have a 4 year old Easter Egger who is the only one in my flock of 5 that has this issue. She seems to
have this issue every year. I had the whole flock on medicated layer crumbles for two weeks. The others have normal poop, but she still has it. Is there anything I can feed them or not feed them that might

These chickens are let out everyday to roam my backyard, weather permitting. I clean the coop several times
a day of the poop. The waterer is changed every day and washed with hot water and Dawn once a week. I do
give them treats of oven roasted black soldier fly larvae mixed with oiled sunflower seeds everyday following
the feeding directions on the bag. I also give them some wild bird seed also. I'm thinking I should cut back on
the treats.

I would appreciate any suggestions to solve this issue. Thank you in advance.
When you say she has this issue every year, do you mean it occurs at the same time every year? What have you tried in the past? Medicated feed is likely not going to help if only one hen has an issue not the whole flock, since it only targets one specific strain of problems.
How much of the treats and birdseed do you give them? Fly larvae and sunflower seeds are very high fat and should be fed sparingly so you don't cause obesity, not as an everyday thing.
You could also look into deworming that chicken to see if it helps or giving it probiotics.
Thank you all for the replies. This chicken has this issue usually during the summer months.
She is not molting, I will stop the medicated food and the treats for now. I have never
had to worm my girls so far.
Thank you all for the replies. This chicken has this issue usually during the summer months.
She is not molting, I will stop the medicated food and the treats for now. I have never
had to worm my girls so far.
See if stopping the treats and meds works, and if not, try a month of probiotics. Depending on what the issue is it might help.

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