Older hen guarding nesting area.

Chicken Man Can

Nov 27, 2022
Older hen that we have had for a few years has just started chasing the 4 new youngsters who just started laying off the top loft of the coop, which is connected to the nesting boxes. Her and another hen have had these two boxes (one each) for about 6 months whilst the 4 new chicks grew up. She guards her own and the other box on behalf of her friend. I only observed this behavior today, and in fact the new hens were laying upstairs for a week or more prior. Is this temporary behavior that she will only engage in when she wants to lay? Its annoying because it forces the majority of the flock to lay eggs on the floor and its an inconvenience for me to have to get them from there. I would much rather all the eggs be in or close to the nesting boxes as its easy access. Advice, thoughts, thanks.
Is the younger hens new? Is the older hen showing any signs of being broody? If she's broody or thinking about it, she might be trying to protect her nest because of that.
This sounds kind of strange.
Can you post pics of your set up?

Hard to say but sounds like it's going to be when the older bird wants to lay.
Turns out that was right, she only does it when she wants to lay an egg. All was well after for sometime and most of the eggs were accessible via the nesting boxes. Recently though, they all stopped laying up stairs, and make nests on the bottom. I have to use a stick and roll them out, its so annoying. I need to get them to use the boxes again.
Turns out that was right, she only does it when she wants to lay an egg. All was well after for sometime and most of the eggs were accessible via the nesting boxes. Recently though, they all stopped laying up stairs, and make nests on the bottom. I have to use a stick and roll them out, its so annoying. I need to get them to use the boxes again.
Well, then it would still be good to....
Can you post pics of your set up?
Well, then it would still be good to....
Ha fine.


The two eggs in there is what they used to do, that's the nesting boxes with an access lid from the outside. That whole section is a wooden sheet a few feet off the coop floor. They now lay their under this section, on the dirt floor. Perhaps there is a lack of straw / bedding up here?
Ha fine.

View attachment 3490608

The two eggs in there is what they used to do, that's the nesting boxes with an access lid from the outside. That whole section is a wooden sheet a few feet off the coop floor. They now lay their under this section, on the dirt floor. Perhaps there is a lack of straw / bedding up here?
Show the area where they are laying....and an overall of the coop/run.

Show the area where they are laying....and an overall of the coop/run.

The second picture shows the under-loft, that's where they are laying their eggs, right up against the walls. This is directly below what is shown in the very first picture.

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