Ok so I have one serama hen sitting on eggs i candled them


Nov 6, 2021
I have one Serama hen sitting on eggs and i candled them and compared them with 19 day old eggs and they match they have not pipped and I’m wondering if I should take the rooster out tonight I’m also worried that they won’t hatch
I don't quite get the question, If they are on day 19 wait a couple day's chickens take 21 days or more to hatch. I believe you will get chicks just let nature take its course. how many eggs you have? And please update me in the coming day's. I hope this helped in some way, Thank you!
While Seramas hatch at 19 to 20 days (with standard chickens 20 to 21, possibly 22), leave them alone. Don't take eggs out from under a nesting hen so close to pipping. It's lock down for her.

Remember to allow her complete privacy during this time. She'll do the job, usually better than an artificial incubator. (I have 1 standard hen that consistently hatches 110% as she somehow always manages to sneak another egg from the coop under her wing).

If at day 21 nothing has happened, then check them.

But let her do her thing at this point. Likely they just need a little more time.

I agree with the hardest part ^^, leave them and her alone. To often, people trying to help, cause the problem. She will hatch what she can, if you leave her alone. As in no peeking just to see. You can stand out side quietly, listening for peeping. But leaving them alone is the best advice. I used to worry about the other birds, but I just really try to stay away and that works best.
Should roosters be removed when hens hatch eggs!?!? I have my first 2 broody girls with a total of 5 growing babies, about a week apart, and there are 3 roosters. Theyre all bantams. 2 roos are oegb and 1 is a frizzled cochin.
Should roosters be removed when hens hatch eggs!?!? I have my first 2 broody girls with a total of 5 growing babies, about a week apart, and there are 3 roosters. Theyre all bantams. 2 roos are oegb and 1 is a frizzled cochin.
My roosters protect momma and the babes, looking out for them.

However, if your roosters are aggressive or anxious about the chicks, they would have to be removed. Personally I would remove any mother or chick aggressive rooster permanently from the flock. Good roosters make good dads.

My serama hen will take my broody hen's eggs, or sit on the nest with the broody hen. I have to lock my hen away from the rest because the other hens take her eggs. My incubator would have had one chick hatch day 19 ( if that one didn't get stuck piping on the wrong song ) and most on day 20. I would wait till day 20 to mess with them. My hen ended up leaving 4 eggs in the nest and took the 5 chicks off the nest. The 1st egg left in the nest was completely zipped but had actually gotten another egg shell stuck over him. They were all freezing cold because the weather was bad. The other 3 eggs are in the incubator but if they are still alive they will be hatching today maybe or tomorrow. I should have not let her keep laying eggs while she was broody, then they wouldn't be behind. I'm not sure about the roosters but the breeder I got my seramas from kept the rooster in with the mom and chicks. As long as he isn't picking on the chicks I think he is okay.

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